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Weird Noise On Warm Up-Fg Xr6T.


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  • Member For: 13y 6m 18d

G'day chaps,

I've had my brand new FG XR6T SEDAN for about 4 weeks now & it's done about 850km's on the clock so far (it's my weekend beast,hence the low km's). Ever since I've had the car I've noticed that about 2mins into the warm up after starting the engine from cold a rattle/vibrating/tapping sound from the engine bay suddenly appears,every time & at about the same time all the time without fail.I rang the service manager at the dealership I purchased from & he said it could be some valve or actuator opening or closing during the warm up period but I would need to bring it in so they can hear it.I am an ex R33 Skyline owner & this beast is my first Ford I've owned so I'm unfamiliar to the in's & out's of the XR6T yet.Is this noise a problem or is it normal on the Fords during warm up & does what the service manager reckon sound correct.Thanks for your time guys & appreciate any feedback cheers ; )

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Hey Brenno,does yours make any sound on warm up & also how long do u usually warm up for,I know with the Skylines there notorious for long warm up times 4-5mins but I've noticed the Fords warm up quiker,cheers mate.

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I'm probably not the best person you ask as I am notorious for starting the car, plugging in the iPod and then backing out of my driveway. Generally only sits still for half a minute.. Then I baby it around until I reach the highway (about 5-10 minutes) and she's usually warmed up by that point.

Noises mine has made on start up were the squeaking idle pulley..

But seriously mate if it's such a young car take it into ford and screw em for everything to get it fixed.. Warranty is your friend.

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hey mate yeah I am a 1st time t owner and I have notice it aswell when its due for a service when I pick it up I will start it and find out but it goes away ;s ahah

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I'm probably not the best person you ask as I am notorious for starting the car, plugging in the iPod and then backing out of my driveway. Generally only sits still for half a minute.. Then I baby it around until I reach the highway (about 5-10 minutes) and she's usually warmed up by that point.

this is about the best way to warm up your car anyway.

not much point in letting it sit there for 5 minutes, all your doing is wasting fuel.

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Yea as above there is no need to sit there warming it up. Just nana start away from start. I have heard also that is the better way but who really knows. I just get in and go and it works fine.

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It could be something like the ABS system priming. In my BF it used it make a noticeable thud but it's far less pronounced in the FG.

The only problem is they won't be able to diagnose it unless they keep your car overnight, but worth mentioning to your dealer in any case.

Otherwise maybe get a video of it and post it up here for one of the gurus to have a listen to?

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