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Tassie 2 Day Cruise (Launcestonhttp://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/77570-tassie-2-day-cruise-launceston-to-hobart-sat-26-sun-27-nov/ To Hobart) Sat 26 - Sun 27 Nov


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Tassie 2 Day Cruise 2011 (Launceston to Hobart)


Road out of Queenstown

DATE: Sat 26 - Sun 27 November 2011


Okay ladies and fellas, when work presented itself an opportunity to cruise Tassie's spectacular roadways - how could I pass it up :roflmbo:

So after consultation with fellow forum members ( thanks Rusty) here's what I think will be an exciting route over the 2 days starting at Launceston and finishing up in Hobart (and traversing 2 beer counties where I shall unfortunately be forced to adjudicate between Boags and Cascade in quite some depth with frequent regularity :roflmbo: )

Starts in Launnie nice and early - probably 9am departure from near the main Post Office - and head up towards the North East corner of the island where around St Helen's are some spectacular coastal vistas. Lunch maybe somewhere along the coast - depending on how we are tracking for time. Then back inland to Deloraine and the start of the twisty trek across the road that skirts Cradle Mountain (prolly with a stop off at the Cradle Mountain visitor centre for some happy snaps :nod: ) More amazing twisties down to Strahan and to settle down to some beer tasting on a pub verandah overlooking the Strahan harbour :beerchug:

Next day, up and early, maybe brekky from the local bakery and a 9am start to head out over twisties meandering through the surreal scape near Queenstown (I've heard it would rival a movie set the scenery is so radical). Once again, lunch depends on how we track for time. In the afternoon, we do a side trip to visit the famous Gordon Dam and some primordial twisties getting there and back. Finally we do the sedate run into Hobart to finish up an awesome 2 days on Tassie's glorious roads :buttrock:

This is a long 2 day cruise doing full days each day with some incredible twisties - so those inclined to feel :sick: or need frequent "Are we there yet" stops should be aware of this. All roads are sealed (well as far as the cellulite papyrus Tassie UBD tells me :roflmbo: )


Depart 9am Launceston Post office corner St John and Brisbane Sts



Day 1 - Launceston to Strahan 590km 9hrs



Day 2 - Strahan to Hobart 520km 7hrs




CB Radio (almost mandatory) EvilDaifu has a few spare loaners, Camera, Sunnies :cool1: , Warm clothes (it's Tassie after all :roflmbo: )


Plenty of BP petrol stations along the way that sell BP Ultimate 98 RON except in the SW corner of the State - we may have to make do with 95 RON there if desperate.

BP Ultimate 98 RON available at:

Launceston - 31 Wellington St

Scottsdale - 7 King St

St Helens - 6 Circassion St

Youngtown - 295 Hobart Rd

Rosebery - 7 Arthur St

Strahan - 7 Reid St

Wyndham - 34 Wyndham Rd


1. Obey all laws whilst on the cruise; this means no speeding, no overtaking over double lines (no matter how safe you think it may be), etc...

2. There is a designated cruise leader who will lead the way and set the correct pace for all cruise members.

3. Use the Buddy system - always make sure you can see the car behind you. This will give people behind you an indication on where to turn to make sure nobody gets lost.

4. CB Radios - if you don't have one, follow the maps and directions given out. It is highly recommended to have CB as it enhances the enjoyment of the cruise being able to hear about road hazards and join in on the social chatter.

5. Please turn up to the meeting points with a sufficient fuel in your tank and enough time before the departure time.

6. Onus is on the owner/driver to ensure their vehicle is safe to drive on public roads and meets State road traffic authority laws.

7. Please ensure you have a contingency plan if you have a breakdown or unnecessarily delayed. e.g. Roadside Assistance or a mate in another car who is willing to stay with you if necessary.

8. If you wish to post this cruise up on any other social media site e.g. facebook, myspace, twitter - please obtain permission from the Cruise Controller/Mod organising the cruise first.

9. By attending this cruise you agree not to hold FordXR6Turbo.com, it's Administrators, Moderators, Cruise Controllers, or Owner responsible / liable for any damage and / or grief sustained (simply; you are responsible for your own actions).

Emergency Numbers

Police ph 000

Ambulance ph 000

Fire ph 000

Injured Wildlife ph 03 6233 6556 (according to Rusty this is an issue we'll have to be careful to avoid)

RACT ph 13 11 11


1. EvilDaifu

2. Her XR6 Turbo

3. turbochooka (Sunday)


PDF of cruise Tassie 2 Day Cruise 2011.pdf

So post up below if you're coming or would like to come - it's a good way to meet your fellow FordXR6Turbo.com enthusiasts and enjoy the rush of rumbling through in a line of XRs :thumbsup:

Edited by EvilDaifu
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  • Cruise Whore
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So I plan to start in nice and early in Launceston (will get there Fri night)

Day 1 Sat 26 Nov - Launceston to Strahan 570km 8 hrs (takes in the coastal east coast)


Day 2 Sun 27 Nov - Strahan to Hobart 470 km 8 hrs (have to start work in Hobart :beerchug: )


Will be doing it rain or shine - just if it's raining - will be taking it a little slower and may shorten it a little.

Anyone interested in this? Please post up :thumbsup:

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  • Cruise Control
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I am really keen to take my XR6 T out on a cruise. I would do the whole run from Launnie to Hobart if I can afford it, I have driven some of those roads and they can be alot of fun! Will you still be going ahead if you don't get alot of numbers?

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Yep, I will be cos I gotta start work in Hobart on Monday. If was doing it myself, I was gonna suss it out for a future cruise. And to be honest, I wouldn't mind the company - especially someone who has driven some of those roads before (give me something to shoot with the dash cam as well :triniti: ). I am just hoping some more Taswegians come along as well. Like said already - am happy to set up some meet points along the way so that those that don't want to do the whole 2 days can do a bit of it on Sat or a bit on Sun - just need to let me know ahead of time so we can work out where those meet points could be :thumbsup:

I'll be in Launceston Friday night for an early start on Sat. And booked into Strahan for Sat night. I have driven the east coast road from Bicheno to Hobart and though the distance is not long - bloody hell it took such a long time cos of lack of overtaking places :roflmbo: So, though each day is 500-600km - I fully expect each day to be a long run cos of all the twisties. And I may have been a bit optimistic on timings having not driven most of these roads - so I guess be prepared to be driving into the late evening I guess if we spend a wee bit more time than expected sight-seeing at particular spectacular Tasmanian localities along the way :nod:

So, c'mon ladies and fellas - would really like to see more XRs join us on this. I reckon of the roads I have driven in Tassie (around Bicheno and near Cradle Mountain) you have some of the best scenic bendy roads in Oz and I can't wait to enjoy them with guys who know them so much better than me :spoton:

Rusty mate - any comments on the roads I've proposed above - you drove Tassie not long ago I remember :drivingalong:

Cruise List

1. EvilDaifu

2. Her XR6 Turbo


Edited by EvilDaifu
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  • Cruise Whore
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I see what you mean mate - was using Google maps but I've just consulted the cellulite papyrus aka Tasmania UBD and see it is indeed a dirt road :nono: Looks like I may have to go south a bit to cut across to Strahan from St Helens Day 1. Day 2 I will avoid the Great Lakes area altogether - probably be a bit buggered by then anyway - so shorter route probably will be welcomed to Hobart :thumbsup:

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The 2 best twisties I've eve been through are the ones to the north/east of the island and through cradle mountain, We got near cradle mountain towards the night and were planning the climb to the peak the next day so we stayed somewhere close (Mole Creek) the trek from the main road to Mole Creek and back was insane

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  • Cruise Whore
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Cruise List

1. EvilDaifu

2. Her XR6 Turbo


1. Bad Apples

Here's the revised proposed routes for Day 1 and Day 2 that are all on sealed roads.

Day 1 Launceston to Strahan - 590km 8 1/2 hrs (takes in St Helen's on NE coast and around top of Cradle Mountain)


Day 2 - Strahan to Hobart - 520km 7 hrs (takes in Gordan Dam)



Edited by EvilDaifu
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