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Qantas Wtf

turbo ute79

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Um Qantas is traded on the open international market. Not sure how much stock of it is left in Aus. Bit like Colgate, bonds so forth. We own stuff all of what is left that is or was Australian.

The unions have mad it impossible to manufacture for export or even local in this country on a level playing field. And now they cry poor and unfair Pffhhht. Everyone is having their stuff made overseas. Otherwise we would be using all that ore we are blowing out of the ground. And making X x 10 on it and not 1/1. And who really does own all these mines we are using... Us ??? uh no.

Lets face it we wont pay more for something made here. And no one else will either. Specially with our strong $$$

Qantas is competing in an international market. And has to stay competitive. Or go the way of TAA, Pan Am and the Dodo.

Right on the button.

If the Qantas workers want the shoulder of the Australian people to cry on they haven't got it. Apparently it's ruthless for the CEO to ground the aircraft but it's OK for the workers to repeatedly strike for the last few weeks & stuff up everyone's travel arrangements anyway.

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I hate to sound rather pessimistic but it won't stop.. It's the story of the world at the moment.. It'll stop when asia stops breeding and/or discovers human rights.. Seriously it's a fact people have to accept.


That's free market economies for you. Not saying I totally agree with it but you get rid of tariffs and protections (or in this instance allow international airlines in) and there is no stopping it. Look at the local car manufacturing industry as a classic example, or any manufacturing or primary industry other than minerals extraction.

It sucks, but the only thing you can do to get away from it is to move to North Korea like I suggested earlier. Holding Qantas responsible for practicing proper corporate governance and looking after their shareholders, as they are legally obligated to do, is farcical.

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In my work the jobs don't go overseas, we bring foriegners over here to work. Massive publicly listed worldwide company, no EBA's but a yearly review. Don't like the money or conditions then ask for more - but they can always bring in a 457 to replace ya.

Still if ya not keeping up with inflation then you're going backwards innit?

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