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Qantas Wtf

turbo ute79

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“It doesn't matter, if this or that revolutionary movement suffers a temporary defeat. What is decisive is the determination, the maturing every day of the consciousness of the necessity of revolutionary change, the certainty of its possibility..."

(Ernesto “Che” Guevara)

Anything wrong with this TAB, but I seriously doubt if you would even have a clue what it means!


Off your pills?

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In all honesty some of the VB staff or PB in the case I know about actually make more than working for AirNZ. Downside for them is that PB have pulled out of NZ and now they either move to aus for work or are jobless.

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Enjoying the spirited debate immensely, I am an old pessimistic f*ck who thinks we are doomed. But I dont know how to fix it and whinging doesnt help. But please continue, some of you are quite intelligent and insightful, and I am havinng a wonderful time reading this debate.


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I've got 2 qantas flights next week, another job popped up. On the day I have a choice I will be flyine a small local airline, return trip will be 2 qantas flights. Just heard that qantas will be doubling frequent flyer points for a while. 4000points for me :)

Turbo6FG - "The unions were trying to negotiate a pay rise for forklift drivers up North at the mines because 'their wage was not enough for the cost of living'. They 'only' getting up to $190,000 a year. No doubt they all had taken out huge bank loans to get their degree in nuclear physics so they could drive a forklift?"

Firstly I've worked in the WA mines and never heard of a forklift driver on anywhere near that. But I'll see if it's possible with basic maths

average fortnight = 156 hours if you are working for a contractor, 312hrs per 5 week cycle = about 3120hrs/year on a very good year, Half the time you have a month off between jobs.

Crane driver for a good contractor driving the forklift @ 55/hr = $171600

Basic forky driver for an working for average contractor @37/hr = $115440

Renting a caravan in the pilbara at $5-600/week = 26000 to $30k

I'll admit it did sh*t me for a while seeing F'k'n pipies on $2/hr less than me. They did a 2 day course I did a 4 yr apprenticeship. But after a week I got over it and thought good on em. 4 weeks without seeing the missus/kids, Then see the family and ya mates for 6 days and fk right off to the mines for another 4 weeks.

WA unions are by far the best in the country in my short dealing with them, they were paying for training and upskilling of their members. A lot of unions are just a figurehead that is too far removed from the front line.

Re your comments about Qantas service: I find the small local airline I fly with has a lot better service, bigger and better meals and several hundred dollars cheaper. I would rather fly them than with Qantas, even though the planes are older/smaller.

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  • Phantom Menace
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There's no way the Qantas brand can survive if it can't compete. The international business has been running at a loss for ages. OK lets be real generous to the baggage handlers - pay them $1M a year. Qantas will go broke but no matter the revolution has succeeded. Uncle Che would be proud.

See heres the thing, Qantas are easily able to fudge figures to show they're running at a loss internationally when the reality is they're filtering Jetstars costs onto the balance sheet through various methods. They WANT to run at a loss so they can easily justify moving maintenance offshore and hiring Asian airline pilots who work for a pittance, senator Xenophon has already asked to see the actual figures in an inquiry and im sure im not the only one that would love to see them, a company that's bleeding cash like no tomorrow doesn't give a payrise to its CEO.

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I would love to see Xenophon's theories taken further and investigated.

He loves speaking his mind behind the veil of parliamentary privilege, but how much of it is true. Reading his speech it's all based on here-say, not saying it's all absolute bullsh*t as no doubt there are a few truths in there somewhere, just that you have to be skeptical and can't take it all as gospel.

The bloke thinks he can just say whatever he likes without evidence or any fear of recourse...probably because he is actually above the law.

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Guest XR09
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The place is going nuts.

The world has it's pants down financially. We are in a good spot. And labor wants to tax the only life line we have. I can understand it cause we don't friggen own the mines per say. But if we make it too expensive for them to dig here, then they will just as quickly leave and dig up someone else's back yard.

Would be cheaper to fund a civil war than keep paying more and more for our dirt.

And as a business owner who has to put in tenders cheaper than I did three or four years ago to get the gigs these days. Tough titties.

As someone who is still down 25% on their super from four years ago, that the Gov says I have to give to some idiots to lose. Tough titties.

And as you keep losing my friggen bags !!! With my helmets in them mmmmm tough bloody titties

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There was an article on the front page of the West Australian newspaper a couple of months back. The unions were trying to negotiate a pay rise for forklift drivers up North at the mines because 'their wage was not enough for the cost of living'. They 'only' getting up to $190,000 a year. No doubt they all had taken out huge bank loans to get their degree in nuclear physics so they could drive a forklift?

Why can't people be content to have a job instead of striking and whinging all the time? Try living in the USA with unemployment around 9% you'd be grateful to get a job at McDonald's.

If Qantas workers are already getting paid more than their counterparts what's the problem? They can throw as many tantrums as they want but if they get their way they'll price themselves out the market & lose their jobs anyway.

Meanwhile the 150kg hard working union bosses sit on their starfish & get rich. They don't give a stuff about the country or the workers they're only interested in their hip pocket. W@nkers all of em.

mate you dont understand and never will. qantas has been around for 90 years and we worked hard for our current conditions. Our counterparts like jetstar and virgin are new in aus so they start from the bottom. Its only a matter of time before you see jetstar and virgin striking

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