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Need To Go Even Louder


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  • Member For: 13y 4m 17d

Thanks for all the replies guys, and I can agree with most of you there. I'm not after an obnoxiously loud car, but I love to hear my cars.

The thing about this pos Late model camira that I like it the fact that you have absolutely no idea it's running when you stand next to it. It's so quiet. But anything over I think 3-3500 revs and it screams. So in saying that, it can be driven very quietly and it's only loud when you put your foot down, and I don't quite understand how it works.

As far as my car goes, it's not a turbo, but it's got extractors and everything from there to the tip is custom made and I love the sound it makes. It's got the snap crackle and pop that I like, and it's really unique. I can't drive it silently but it can go quiet enough, but since hearing this commodore, I think I want something like this -quiet at idle and cruise, screamer at full noise- I think the straight six would sound beautiful.

I know a lot of people would agree that 6s can sound terrible, but if done right, they can sound beautiful.

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