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Fg Gradual Power Loss After Custom Tune


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  • Member For: 20y 11m 23d

Hoping somebody might be able to help.

This is the story so far:

FG Auto had its first custom tune 6 weeks ago nothing fancy just a K&N Filter and 290 kw tune. The results were awesome, nice smooth loud spool and able to break traction on even light throttle. All going really well.

2 weeks later the MIL on the dash was triggered. Not wanting to break anything I pulled over and flashed back to stock and called my tuner who advised it is likely to be the o2 sensor.So all good. When I tried flashing back to the tune the Xcal 3 failed to download and locked me out of the custom tune altogether. Tuner advised to flash back to stock then reload. I had a few voltage issues but managed to get it back to stock then back into the custom tune.

Another 2 weeks went by and the MIL light came on, but this time I ignored it and it went away after a day. I also started to notice the spooling at low revs was less audible and the power was less impressive and I was no longer able to break traction even under WOT. I get a little bit of boost at the top end of the rev range or under load at 100km/h. It feels more like a NA engine and not much better in performance than the stock tune. The exhaust/ engine noise is also a bit louder. I have also noticed each time I park the car the fan comes on nearly every time now.

Over the last 2 weeks I have changed my fuel to rule out a bad batch, I have checked the hoses that I could see and everything seems to be still attached, I would tighten the clamps but they have changed the clamp type from the BA and I can't work out how to tighten them.

Any ideas on what it could be would be appreciated.

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  • Member For: 20y 11m 23d

Hi Tobey,

How do you tighten the stock clamps, or just ditch em and get some better ones? The Vacuum line is the one from the manifold to the BOV or is there another - sorry I am a newbie at this stuff.

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Yea, it may pay to ditch the ford ones. I believe they are they are 'blind' ones where the head snaps off when they are at the right tension.

Also, there is a fault with the rubber joiner on the FG's that it splits where the pipe goes into the throttle body. Check there are no cracks...

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The stock clamps have a cover over the hex head. Pull then off with a pair of pliers. With the increased boost it is a good idea to replace the stock pipes anyway. Is it a standard cat? If not the tuner should've sorted out the o2 sensor when doing the tune. Or like said above heat soak with a stock cooler.

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  • Member For: 17y 11m 23d
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Check for leaks like the boys already said, but a good idea would be to actually use the Xcal to check for DTC's It will tell you exactly what is triggering the MIL.

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