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Bf Axel Nut Coming Lose


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  • Member For: 13y 6m 11d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Newcastle NSW

Hi I had a click coming from the rear of my bf xr6 turbo and ended up replacing the drivers side axel shaft with a after market axel (driveline beresfield nsw) replaced around april with the help of my brother inlaw.

About a month a go I noticed that my car wasn't driving 100% thought a flat tire no, then got worse for the next few days. Got my brother inlaw (mechanic) to check but all good. A few more days and I could start to feel the car traking in the ass end while driving more around cruise speed 100km.

Finaly got bad as around a slow bend it felt like you were turning in and out which I could tell the wheel was moving. That afternoon took it to a mechanic and he thought it may be bushes then I told him about the axel replacement and squeak from said shalf, jacked up car and seen way too much wheel whoble. Asked about the big 35mm nut took wheel of and axel nut was loose as buggery, retighten and off I went.

This week noticed it again feeling worse for the past few days, checked it today tighten it up with lock tight and with another locking nut behind it (just happened we had one) put wheel on and there is still play forward, backward's and sideways :-(

So only thing left is that the wheel bearing is on its way out from the forces of driving around when slightly loose?? as it look's like the only option and the wallet will be opening to make sure..

Any other option?


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