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Flooded Car + No Boost


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Good Day Ladies & Gentlemen

Had to relocate to Newcastle for work, subsequently borrow my mates van to lug all my sh*t up from Wollongong. Let him drive my pride and joy BF MKII 2006 XR6T to and from work whilst I had his van, makes 340 kw at the wheels, List of mods below:

# - Procces West Billet Surge Tank & Bosch 044 Fuel Pump

# - Stage 2 Process West cooling package - 4.5 inch front mount cooler, cold side side intercooler piping, throttle body relocation, under battery cold air intake

# - 60 lb siemen injectors

# - X-Cal 2 CV tune

I made this extremely clear to my mate that performance cars dont like water, and if in the event its pissing down rain try to keep the air intake away from water I.e dont drive through puddles of water or driving behind a truck keep the right hand side of the car clear of the spray etc...

Unfortunatly he drove through a rather large puddle, 2/3's of the way through he realised how deep it was and parked it as soon as he could, 40m up the road from the puddle(river,pond,tsunami,lake michigain,atlantic ocean what ever floats your boat, no pun intended).

Judging by the dirt and debris on the cooler and the air filter it was a good inch under water.

Once he parked it and turned it off it wouldnt start, told him it was hydrolic locked and leave it.

Subsequently my brother, good mate and I pulled the coil packs out to find that cylinders 1,2,3 had water over the plugs and 4,5 & 6 where completely flooded. We got the plugs out of 1,2,3 and 4 but not 5 & 6. Turned the car over and out came plugs 5 & 6, along with a lot of water. Kept doing this until no water was spouting from the cylinders(we got most of it out I beleive, strong smells of fuel)

Went to repco and got new spark plugs and fitted them, we had the piping of from the cooler to throttle body as we assumed the cooler was full of water and how right we were. Got it started, sounded terrible, reved it to approx 2.5k rpm and it was like some one turned a fire hose on, sprayed about 10 litres of solid water.

Back to repco for new plugs, oil and filter. Repeated the above after draining the intercooler, got it running, limped it back to my house(up the road) and dropped the oil replaced the plugs, checked the turbo, no damage. Put everything back together, idoling fine, cleared the ECU fault codes with the flash tunner and took it round the block, can hear the turbo spooling but wont come up on boost, also very very laggy between gears, just had the steel pan conversion new oils and trans cooler installed less than 3000k's.

Can also hear a metalic sounding noise in the top end, when idoling sounds fine except for the metaling rattling in the top end. Any suggestions? Its fair to say im devastated as this is my pride and enjoy which I rarely get to drive due to work commitments.

My mate has offered to pay for it, told him its gonna be around 3k and up if block, valve or pistons are rooted. Any input or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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rods will be different lengths now and will resemble a handful of pretzels. New bottom end if your lucky, new top and bottom end if your not

next time just hire a van..... :dontknow::spit:

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  • I <3 Floods
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I know my insurance policy covers flood damage.. Driving through puddles, creeks and oceans surprisingly counts as flood damage.. I'm with qik1 that should be your first port of call.. However if you don't have insurance I like Slash's first idea.

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He isnt going to get insurance if he shows them how low his intake is, they will laugh at him and send him on his way wouldnt they??? ...maybe if you return all the intake back to stock you might have a shot

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  • Turboless
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definitely not something u want to hear when youve trusted your mate not to do anything like that. hopefully its not too much damage, or away from you for long. keep us posted :spoton:

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You'd be surprised with insurance as long as it's listed on ya policy you should be right, I know a bloke that just went through the same thing with the intake in the same place & ended up with a new fg f6 engine & not out of pocket bar the usual crap ya have to pay

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  • Member For: 13y 8m 9d
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  • Location: Oak Flats

Yeah still up in the air if I can claim insurance, unfortunately I haven't told them about the injectors and the rubbers on the back are too large 275's I hear you can 10mm larger than 255 so I reckon they'll void it, Got a few options, new donk out a fg typhoon bout 4.5k??, still have to find out exactly what's wrong. lesson learnt lol

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