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Tra1Nr - Winter White G6E Turbo


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I haven't tried many Dillz, the planets have to align to get it right! (sunrise or sunset, right location, right lighting, etc) but would be keen to do some. location is the difficult part I reckon.

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What about day shots? Night ones are becoming to common and there isn't really any variation.

Yeah. I kind of agree. There's a lot of people trying to do this type of photography. Results are varied, but everyone seems to like every shot anyway. Lol!

I think there's even more people doing daytime stuff that isn't anything special. I've seen a few shoots where the results weren't anything special. They were really just snapshots of cars yet they were promoting themselves as a business and as a professional.

Kind of sh*ts me really. I've never claimed to be any more than an amateur. I do a few things pretty well and in some cases I get paid for that. I certainly don't call myself a professional. The perception seems to be that because someone has a DSLR they're a pro and can create something special. That perception is is on both sides. Camera owners and people looking to get photos.

Could I do daytime stuff? I'd certainly give it a go.

Would it be anything special? Probably not, but I'm happy to admit that which is far more than most hacks with a camera (like me) would admit.

/end rant.

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I agree Adam. A lot of the daytime car photography I have seen looks like auto mode or point and shoot cameras, there is no wow factor like there can be with night time photography.

And I agree, I am a beginner; yes I watermark my photos but If I do something I want to get the recognition for it, I am not running around trying to charge people for photo's, or professing that I am a 'photographer', I am doing it because it interests me and give me something to aspire to - becoming a decent photographer.

Add to that I have only been trying to learn about it for a short time and I know I have a long way to go with photography, but the journey will be the interesting part!

Edited by TRA1NR
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Not having a shot at you mate. It's just an overall opinion. Everyone was a bad photographer at some stage. The ones that are bad and claim to be good annoy me.

Nothing wrong with getting recognition either. I watermark mine for the same reason. It's in the file data, but a lot of people would never look there for the info, so I put my name on it so it's easy for people to see who took the photo. I just use my name. I'm not pretending to be something I'm not.

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Yeah I know, I get where you are coming from. I am happy to stick my pictures up and get the criticism, and I definitely know I have a lot to learn!

There are plenty that I don't think are much chop in the car photography scene though!

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Trainer, don't take this the wrong way but you need to get rid of the "tra1ner photography" watermark and just make one like adams.

To the average joe it looks like you are running a photography business.

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