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Bf Cooler Upgrade


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Headsex didn't want to touch ICERs car... But the dude wouldn't leave him alone... It was made up of avo, nizpro and generic sets of piping... sh*t falling off everywhere!!!

Hence why no one was gonna get it going well! Buy stuff that works in a kit. Don't go the cheapest sh*t option as it will cost you in the end...

AVO piping kits don't look stock? Maybe as well go something decent!!!

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By stock... I mean they do use a crossover... But it's red FFS!!! AND it still uses sh*tloads of piping... And stock intake...

Why ever bother?

The cooler may be awesome but the piping kit is so inefficient that you maybe as well have a straw coming off the turbo to your car and be blowing into it to try and add 0.0000000091psi...

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you can choose your colour I would prefer stock piping than an under battery intake if any1 has one go check it now bet u its filthy! and isnt an under battery intake only good for 350rwkw and under?? ive seen avo with 411rwkw and other people on her have said even higher!

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Headsex didn't want to touch ICERs car... But the dude wouldn't leave him alone... It was made up of avo, nizpro and generic sets of piping... sh*t falling off everywhere!!!

Hence why no one was gonna get it going well! Buy stuff that works in a kit. Don't go the cheapest sh*t option as it will cost you in the end...

AVO piping kits don't look stock? Maybe as well go something decent!!!

yeah I know lots of people have touched icers car avo just being 1 of them so that isnt relevant in choosing cooler!!

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I was curious about the length of the piping also when I was choosing a cooler set up and it was explained to me that AVO take a very different approach to cooler set ups than most of the other guys these days. Apparently AVO go for air speed and flow rather than just having a massive cooler and pipes, etc.

I am not justifying it or anything, im just going off what I was told. And for a semi stock looking kit, it seems to be working on cars making 400+kw.

I really wanted a kit that kept the stock airbox in its original location, and one that didnt have that hiddious looking piping going across the front of the engine like the alot of the kits ive seen. Im older and wiser these day, enough that I dont want to have pods hanging off turbos and all the rest which just attracts police attention. So the AVO kit was the best suited to my needs. To add, im the type of person who likes to go on the path less taken...lol

In explaining my reasons for choices, to the OP...if you arent into the same reasons as I am for choosing the cooler kits and arent bothered by having mods that arnt really EPA friendly, etc. Then I would recommend either Plazmaman or Process west, but I dont reccomend Rapids as there is a very good chance you wont get your kit for many months, if at all. Spend the extra and go with the 2 above mentioned companies, or even AVO if it suits your style.

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I got quoted $1350 for the Rapid V2 so for the sake of $30 id rather go the rapid kit.

If you want to tune your car this YEAR, rapids kit probably isnt for you. If you want to part with your cash and grow old waiting for delivery go ahead. Nizpro , process west and plazmaman all make great kits. I have had process west gear and Kev is awesome to deal with and offers outstanding service. I now use all Nizpro gear, ( besides Kevs surge tank) , the gear may not be as bling as the other two , but it sure produces the numbers.

Edited by arronm
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That is a bit harsh towards rapid, he explain he made some errors and is trying to sort it all out. For that fact earlier this year I ordered a wastegate act and flapper and it turned up in a week and that was shipped to NZ as well.

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That is a bit harsh towards rapid, he explain he made some errors and is trying to sort it all out. For that fact earlier this year I ordered a wastegate act and flapper and it turned up in a week and that was shipped to NZ as well.

It may sound harsh but when hes still doing the same old thing as he always has, regardles of him apologising then its best his products are avoided until he gets on top of it. Theres still people on these forums going through the same issues as most of us have with Rapids. It is a pitty as he has some great products

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