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Selling The Fg F6


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Mate there is a couple in QLD 2008 $38000 and another in QLD Green $36000 both 2008 fg f6 car sales

Thanks Panda man, I have been keeping an eye or two on what is available in both F6 & G6ET, im no expert on vehicle sales but it does surprise me just how different ( in selling price ) from 1 end of Australia to the other is

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I think this example of trying to sell an F6 shows that expensive mods on these cars can also compound the money loss on resale.

That's why I 'm not too keen on modding my car ........however,each to their own.

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Depends on if you kept the stock parts. If you did, you can return the car to stock to sell and sell all the mod parts individually or keep them for your next car (what's compatible). This way you reduce your losses on the parts.

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Guest XR09
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Saw a Police one and with a few plain XT's on the back of a truck heading south to Bris on Friday.

Had me thinking they might be off to the auctions.

If you were going to mod anyway (hard not too) they are a cheap buy in. Long as the guts have not been dragged out of them over medium strips.

Not sure if they show up @ Fowlersor where evers list as police

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You need to shoot your accountant. You talk about fuel expense being high, but maybe you fail to realise how high your depreciation expense is. And it seems you want to do it all again with a Mercedes to save on fuel when you will take an even bigger hit with depreciation. I wouldn't comment if you said you were gonna buy a Kia.

Not having a go at you, but found a bit of your reasoning in this thread a bit hard to get my head around. Maybe its just me.

For the guy who bought it, you got a good deal. You cant go past a well looked after car where someone else has taken the depreciation hit in the first 3 years.

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You need to shoot your accountant. You talk about fuel expense being high, but maybe you fail to realise how high your depreciation expense is. And it seems you want to do it all again with a Mercedes to save on fuel when you will take an even bigger hit with depreciation. I wouldn't comment if you said you were gonna buy a Kia.

Not having a go at you, but found a bit of your reasoning in this thread a bit hard to get my head around. Maybe its just me.

For the guy who bought it, you got a good deal. You cant go past a well looked after car where someone else has taken the depreciation hit in the first 3 years.

Accountants sometimes deal with raw figures/percentages, not necessarily $$ reality. T

So a bigger hit in % compared to new? Absolutely not as Mercs are very good compared to ford/FPV.......but in real terms yes I absolutely agree with you TurboT as OP already had a car that already finished a huge chunk of its depreciation.

A bad decision financially all things considered (buying new (if that's the case) always will be), but if OP wants the Merc instead of the FPV for quality/image/warranty etc then the $$ loss over the FPV are largely irrelevant.

Edited by CBXRT
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I dont get this thread. Selling a car you love for the sake of some tax dollars because your accountant told you? Silly reason to sell a car imo. Just buy something you love, drive it and enjoy it and stop being so obsessed with a buck, Geez.

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Unfortunately for me with my investments and the income I earn I need to claim maximum depreciation / interest on everything for it to be viable. As much as I loved the F6 i was losing the maximum depreciation of the vehicle. That was why the decision was the way it was.

Don't worry I am sure I will be back in a few years when whatever after the series II comes out. I do love the XR6Turbo, Typhoon and F6 Vehicles otherwise I would not have started this forum :)

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