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  • Member For: 16y 9m 9d
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  • Location: adelaide hills- 'race air' central

so being that the police 'know which clubs are hoons and which ones are responsible' would it be a good idea for the cruise moderator to contact police and let them know we will be cruising at a certain time and place, and the behavior of all on the run will be above reproach- then if they see us they may be less inclined to stop and start issuing defects. this may sound stupid to some at first- but think about it: it would benefit this club to have the reputation of being a responsible, family oriented car club.

of course for this to work, all in attendance would need to behave themselves.

also if INDIVIDUALS ar edoing stupid things on the road, maybe they should remove thier xr6 turbo.com stickers.

sorry to get all serious and resposible in an otherwise goofy thread, but the police are cracking down, and thered be nothing worse than a dozen forum members coming come with yellow stickers on thier cars after a forum cruise....

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Assistant Commissioner Bronwyn Killmier, who will be overseeing the operation, said police were aware some car clubs operated responsibly and within the law. "I feel sorry for the responsible car clubs," she said. "We will be working with them as we are doing now with all the car clubs.

"We clearly know the car clubs who are not doing the right thing and those that are."

You guys shouldnt have anything to worry about...

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  • Member For: 16y 8m 13d
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callin the cops sounds good in theory but that's exactly what acc did and more often then not it ended up most cars gettin raped with canaries. My car got defected several times for various pointless sh*t

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  • Member For: 16y 8m 13d
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yeh aparently this is the go something about meeting after 12 at night in a (club) and theyll f*ck u up weird sh*t hey

so spill the beans dude hows the car I see a little less new power there but u know autos are less on the dyno than a manual hey?

Umm well the tune is alot better and it was really good for as long as the auto lasted but because im a superior car parts buyer the trans I brought was rooted. Ive now lost 3 and 4 gear and lose about am eighth of the trans oil every day so needless to say im not drivin it til I get it back from sam. Need to save to get the actuatns done when I get it back too . . .

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  • Member For: 16y 5m 19d
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callin the cops sounds good in theory but that's exactly what acc did and more often then not it ended up most cars gettin raped with canaries. My car got defected several times for various pointless sh*t

last time I saw u defected was coz u drifted out of the anzac hghway kmart carpark in front of about 10 cop bikes and cars, and then had your bov go off as you sped off down anzac highway,

that's not pointless sh*t, that's drawing attention to yourself ya spanner.

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