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I got a full flush and filter change for my ZF today at Highbury Automotive Services & Repairsand wow its like brand new! Well worth the money to get it done got the filter and gasket from Motospec for around $120 and the Guld Western Syntrans oil from Autopro for $150.

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hay kents im going to be taking some girls to a formal in TOPGHIA tonight at the Stamford glenelg.

any one keen to meet up around 7 7:30 say at HT for a catch up no cruise just talk sh*t just so I dont have to drive back to the hills then come back down to pick them up.

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pics or it never happened jimmy lol

foil is that silvios mate? how much did he charge u for the work

yep it made all the differance on my zf using the g/w oil the trick definately is getting it all out , the old oil that is

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humm not quite what I was expecting ....................u said something about school girls right?

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  • Member For: 13y 11m 23d
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Hey guys thanks for the condolences, concerns and nice words. As most of you probably no by now I did have a major accident yesterday evening only a few hrs after picking the car up.

The good thing is no body else was involved in the accident besides myself and under the circumstances things could have been so much worse. As it is the police let me take the car, they didnt inspect the car, I didnt return any positive readings and am not in trouble.

The worst thing is my dad witnessed the whole incident first hand and as you can imagine it put him through alot of stress.

Im not gonna post pics up cos people driving past already posted some on various facebook pages which in my view isnt right.

I will say its the scariest thing ive gone through and I did everything in my power to avoid it. The way I saw it after taking off hard and shifting straight into second and third the back wheels broke out I released the accelerator but it kept accelerating frying the tyres the whole way. I hit the brake and it felt like it did nothing at al but pick up speed l I kicked the accelerator by habit from the old cable days and mashed both feet on the brake pedal and pulled the hand brake breaking the cable.

I was gonna run up the back of a car so went onto the wrong side of the rd heading for a roundabout which is usually packed. I lined up a stobie poll and massive gate cos after that was grass n then houses and hit both the pole n gate coming to a stop. Again under the circumstances I dont think it could have turned out any better. It was a huge huge impact and I was freaking flying at the end. I really dont know what happened. So many onlookers say it was revving off its head it was wide open till the very end with front wheels completely locked and rear wheels frying and the thing sounding like a jet.

The rear wheel marks are over 200m and the front wheel marks are about 100m long. The front wheels have have huge flat spots the rears have none.

The car is written off for certain suprisingly it looks like we will save the engine all the hotside is un touched the trans is ok the rear end is ok the fuel system in the boot is fine and even the intercooler was un touched. Front left suspension and chassis rail are ripped off none of the doors open, most panels are stuffed, bonnet went through the windscreen, airbags went off plenum got squashed throttle body ended up meters from the car. But I climbed out the window which is a testiment to the saftey these cars have.

Whatever happened its happened and we move on I will be back bigger and better but I will never in my life spend money on modifying a street car again. Ill invest in a pure race car with cage, harness and parachute ill put the running gear in it and go racing the right way.

I worry for my lil bro who is on the same power chasing path as me.

Thanks again for your kind words I do feel like ive let so many people down and my pride is hurt way way more than anything else.

Thanks Guys Jacob.

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oh mate that is just devastating, but good to know your okay. XRQTER can be rebuilt, as can your ego. But big dibs to you on your thoughts to keep it on the track in the future... makes me wonder how much power I really need for street use.

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