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  • Member For: 16y 1m 22d
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All tuners other than Bruce are sh*t :rap:

Just being in Vic for the last week and a half I figured out that its probably the sh*tty air over there stopping the high power numbers not enough oxygen in the smog, Adelaide has clean crisp air resulting in much better power figures :newrussian:

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  • please stop playing with my testicles
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seeing as the other thread got closed ill reply to this here.

im from nsw, no shame here.

before nsw I was actually from russia, no shame there either.

seems that the point I was trying to make was lost on you.

as a newcommer to the forum all I see is the usual suspects like to stir some sh*t up and the s.a guys respond with personal insults.

not a very good look for potential new members.

you even managed to have a bit of a stab at me, but my skin is thicker than that.

you can hang as much sh*t on the nsw or the vic tuners as you like, I could not care less to be honest.

I cant for the life of me work out why you guys take it so personally when someone attacks your tuner, is bruce your mother or something? :dontknow:

as far as I have gathered no one has actually said bruce is a sh*t tuner, just that his dyno could be a little happy.

most ppl know that a dyno is only a tuning tool, so it is indeed very possible for his dyno to read high, so what? :dontknow:

doesnt it at least make you wonder why just about every other respected tuner in aus cant replicate the numbers that this dyno can?

as long as you guys are happy with your tunes then turn the other cheeck and let the sh*t talkers talk sh*t.


edit: just as a side note, having a read over the last few pages of this thread you guys dont mind poking fun of other tuners yourself.

I can't believe this is still going! yeh and feel a bit of a dick that even I got caught up in the trolling that was going on with a few of these threads, but see little point in taking it any further...

Obviously this site condones this sort of behaviour, and this has been backed up by numerous moderators who choose to participate in these threads (which I will remember very carefully before donating ANYTHING more to this site... )

At the end of the day we have nothing to worry about. These guys are obviously pissed off, and rightly so, that for the amount they have spent on their cars to see some pretty average numbers they could have come here to SA, seen the cars and the tunes for themselves, gone to Bruce and taken the cars back to vic to rub in each others faces and all for much less money. They've been ripped off! So ignore the trolls, for they only want us to be as upset as they are.. I'd feel the same if I lived in Victoria.

In the meantime, I shall continue to reap the benefits of whom is widely considered to be one of the best tuners money can buy!

My proof is in my car and every other Heinrich tuned car on here.

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  • Member For: 13y 9m 13d
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  • Location: Burwood, NSW

wow man someone poke u in a sore sopt?

320am couldnt u sleep?

not sure if you have heard of something called nightshift?

obviously you think everyone works 9-5.

grow up.

then again I expected a rather immature response from you and there it is.

as for everyone else, keep enjoying your cars. as I do mine on a daily basis.

should be better in a month or so as its nearly tune time! :drivingalong:

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  • Member For: 14y 4m 17d
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  • Location: Mt Gambier, SA

What model do you have? Just seems a never ending list of things to do for me :hang:

Just fitted a new motor, and seeing as it doesnt have an engine number, have to get it over the pits, Back to standard it goes(what they can see anyway :sungum:

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  • Member For: 14y 4m 17d
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  • Location: Mt Gambier, SA

Had many dealings with Trans SA have you? I have had more than most of you put together.

Plus, I have been down and checked. A couple of issues they werent happy with.

I dont need to ruffle any feathers.

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