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  • Member For: 13y 11m 22d
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Hey Jet just going through the usual crap.... What was supposed to take two weeks has now gone into the sixth week and still havnt recieved the rear end yet you know how it is.

Ummm 9inch is done, axles are done, center is done they were apperantly going to weld the brackets on the diff today and send it off but ive heard the same thing the last three weeks.

The transmission/convertor is all ready with a temp gauge this time to avoid any extreme heat lol.

All in all looks like it will be spending yet another christmas at the mechanics and then early next year I have to go to court to fight a charge that might have me losing my liscence for a long long time so I dunno when I will get to use it again.... :) Hows about your beast lol?

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mines a heap of chit that's why iam asking about urs hahah court hey weve all been there looks like theres a few without wheels lately

u must get some pics up of this rear end when its done ...............I like rear ends weeeeeeee

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  • Member For: 13y 11m 22d
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Lol any particular rear ends or are you bi-dfferential :P....

And yes I will make sure to take millions of pics this time and post em up...

As for court its a real messed up situation that's been dragging on for 3 yrs now and is going to trial end of febuary next yr... Either way just want it over n done with been far too long.

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  • Member For: 15y 11m 4d
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Hey guys my car has been running pretty rough of late...On start up it has a rough idle / black smoke. When its warm its ok but if I park it at the shops and return the first 5 mins or so it has a real lumpy idle and blows heaps of black smoke...Idea's.. Replaced the o2 sensor not long ago + plugs+ coils packs... Just cleaned the throtle body and spark plugs. Re flashed from stock and same prob...Given me the sh*ts...Exhaust smells funky too when blowing smoke...

Even put my foo ton the accelarator and started it up hoping it would reset things...

Engine light come on too when I start it on cold mornings...

DTC code says its running rich ???? Why

Edited by KWIK F6
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  • Member For: 16y 5m 3d
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Cheers Marc. If it's not loud enough I'll drop a muffler.

How's your car going? Finished running it in?

currently in malaysia for 3 months work. back in feb, the car has 250km's to go until I can get some power out of her. I may have to get a process west stage 3 kit with plenum to get a low boosting 380-400rwkw. im currently running a process west stage 1 cooler with custom 3 inch cold side piping with the stock hotside hose. its pushing 340rwkw on 12psi as is though.

what are peoples thoughts?

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  • Member For: 14y 3m 24d
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currently in malaysia for 3 months work. back in feb, the car has 250km's to go until I can get some power out of her. I may have to get a process west stage 3 kit with plenum to get a low boosting 380-400rwkw. im currently running a process west stage 1 cooler with custom 3 inch cold side piping with the stock hotside hose. its pushing 340rwkw on 12psi as is though.

what are peoples thoughts?

Change the stock hot side pipe and really the stock plenum is good for 380/400wkw anyways. The after market ones are good if u got extra coin. Throw some e85 at it! 380/400wkw 16-17psi

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  • Member For: 20y 2m 2d

Hey guys my car has been running pretty rough of late...On start up it has a rough idle / black smoke. When its warm its ok but if I park it at the shops and return the first 5 mins or so it has a real lumpy idle and blows heaps of black smoke...Idea's.. Replaced the o2 sensor not long ago + plugs+ coils packs... Just cleaned the throtle body and spark plugs. Re flashed from stock and same prob...Given me the sh*ts...Exhaust smells funky too when blowing smoke...

Even put my foo ton the accelarator and started it up hoping it would reset things...

Engine light come on too when I start it on cold mornings...

DTC code says its running rich ???? Why

Just take it Bruce dont ++++ around with it not worth the hassle

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  • Member For: 16y 5m 3d
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Change the stock hot side pipe and really the stock plenum is good for 380/400wkw anyways. The after market ones are good if u got extra coin. Throw some e85 at it! 380/400wkw 16-17psi

nah im not keen on this e85, im too lazy lol. ill only be getting a bp 98 tune on f*ck knows what boost. bruce was saying 17psi is the sweet spot? maybe 19 and trail it down to 17? or just stick with 17psi across the the whole tune? what are peoples thoughts?

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