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  • Member For: 13y 5m 10d

Nice result, Mabye we should go along sth nth

Turn left on henley beach rd go down to west beach

Back along the beach till glenelg then to follow the esplanade to seacliff , then take Brighton Rd to victor, lunch then off to fooled pit stop

Mabye come back through strath

What's everyone think

Edited by SACf6
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  • Member For: 16y 9m 9d
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oh dubsy who tuned your car ..........no it couldnt be......................weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

what was the before power level at bruces?

and take that fukkn sig off no credit goes there unless he learns how to use sct tuning :crazypilot:

Edited by JETSNOT
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  • please stop playing with my testicles
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  • Member For: 13y 6m 11d
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Alright, here's what I call collaborative cruising...

Some of the best southern hills roads (some targa adelaide sections too!), but not too far south.

as for a date, would somewhere around 15th or 16th suit?

Here's my idea for the southern leg but open to any suggestions:


start point to be negotiated (castle plaza?)

Head south rd to panalatinga, head down panatalinga, regroup woodcroft shopping centre

follow panatalinga (turns into piggot range rd) to chandlers hill (xmas tree farm)

turn right on cherry gardens road and follow to end

turn right onto ironbank rd and follow to end

turn left onto avenue road and follow to roundabout (mt. barker rd)

your now in stirling, meet at apex shopping centre

approx: 1.5 to 2 hours max (prob. less)

And someone else can take it from here...

there are good links to chain of ponds from here but I'm not familiar with them. I've tried to keep it reasonably central for everyone as I know we have people as far as gawler / noarlunga.

sound good?

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  • Member For: 16y 6m 13d
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  • Location: Gawler, SA

Boostin Oz is run by good personal friends of mine and they have looked after me and others from day dot.

All my mechanical work gets done by them or myself within their workshop so due credit is given where deserved.

It's not a matter of "learning" to use sct software either its simply a matter of paying for the software.

I went to HPT for a ZF tune, got an e85 tune while I was there

very happy with the service and results. full credit is given to Bruce for the figures achieved.

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  • please stop playing with my testicles
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  • Member For: 13y 6m 11d
  • Gender: Male

yeh mate! but everyone seems all talk and no action! lol! so I thought I'd try and kick thigs off! all we need to agree on is a time, date and a place to meet - and a northern section through the hills!

that lil plot I got worked out only goes from castle plaza to southern hills to stirling, would be approx just over an hour to an hour and a half max. just need someone to organise the second part of the cruise (was thinking from stirling to chain of ponds but don't know best routes, maybe you know some?).

thinking then we could all head back down and finish somewhere around the city?

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