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ya dreaming

Well I cant see why not...... the girl said they have had a ton of complaints about it but nothing this bad yet.... it was ment to be fixed a while ago apparently being up that far off the barrier. They do know who I am as I worked for KFC for a few years and did my manager orientation at head office.

$350 from a multi billion dollar world wide business hmmmm, id take em to court...our family lawyer is tops ;)

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  • flame magnet
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I did that once- its amazing how bendy a (genuine) front bumper is......

you might get a free 3 piece feed if your lucky!

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Look at you tough guy, if u use a lawyer over that, well kinda tragic isnt it, I get it, get the money, but sparring sh*t about lawyers just makes u sound like your 10, just saying is all

Edited by Fluffy Mc D
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  • Member For: 14y 11m 17d
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Look at you tough guy, if u use a lawyer over that, well kinda tragic isnt it, I get it, get the money, but sparring sh*t about lawyers just makes u sound like your 10, just saying is all

the fact is it cost me over $700 to fix..taking the day off work getting it to and from bruces etc...that's money I didnt have... lol ive seen businesses taken to court for $50...small claim court is sh*t easy and cost f*ck all...I could squeeze 5k outa them for damages and effect on my life..... if I was that desperate...but im just blabbing I just want my money!

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  • Bronze Donating Members
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the fact is it cost me over $700 to fix..taking the day off work getting it to and from bruces etc...that's money I didnt have... lol ive seen businesses taken to court for $50...small claim court is sh*t easy and cost f*ck all...I could squeeze 5k outa them for damages and effect on my life..... if I was that desperate...but im just blabbing I just want my money!

when I worked at Mawson lakes KFC Cam, a guy in a VY SS drove OVER that concrete stopper and damaged the front bar and the sump on his car. he was claiming it cost him about 2k to fix. when he sent the bill to KFC they did s**t all about it so I wouldnt get your hopes up, but none the less.. good luck with it :spoton:

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 14y 11m 17d
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  • Location: South Australia, Adelaide

when I worked at Mawson lakes KFC Cam, a guy in a VY SS drove OVER that concrete stopper and damaged the front bar and the sump on his car. he was claiming it cost him about 2k to fix. when he sent the bill to KFC they did s**t all about it so I wouldnt get your hopes up, but none the less.. good luck with it :spoton:

That was his fault though for not driving with attention.....mine was not my fault at all....when I reversed there was something ABOVE the stopper to clip onto my front bar and rip it off

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  • please stop playing with my testicles
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Just thought I would let out some frustration at the cost of changing over the front rotors and pads on the F6! Spewing, But it's gotta be done.

Is that the Brembo package mate? How much r they slogging u? Have the Brembo package on my BF F6 was wondering what the replacement costs were like, I'd heard they cost an arm and a leg to replace. have seen a few going on ebay, my thought were it prob be cheaper going that route when the time comes...

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