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  • Member For: 16y 7m 7d
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Ok thanks toxic.

On a different note, had senior first aid training today for work. Got off at like 3, 2 hours earlyer than normal so I scooted home and washed... Errr, made the car clean without using water :rolleyes: ... And was listening to music as I do. Any way, the sub rattles a bit so I decided to get into it and have a look. Those pull out screw things are a bitch, almost like ford put it together and assumed no one would ever need to pull it apart. Any way, I have come to the conclusion a sub on the parcel shelf is a stupid idea. The sub its self vibrates the metal sheeting that its mounted to and makes the all sorts of sh*t rattle. Took the sub completely out stuck in on the boot floor and cranked her nice and not a rattle to be heard. Bass was not as strong being in the boot and slightly muffled but still I rekon is better than the annoying rattles comming from the parcil shelf.

Conclusion. Crap idea from ford. IM pretty sure the FG's have a 10" in the parcil shelf, or they just make the speaker covering that's on the parcil shelf larger for looks?

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  • Member For: 16y 7m 7d
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:icon_ford: Not on the t??? Oh geez, whats the world comming to.

Get a white metal marking texta, take the top off, pull the ink filled fluff out slighly and draw the white wall on your tires, wont come off unless you scrub it a sh*t load.

Just an idea... :-D

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yeh one of my mates gets his done all the time but couldnt rmbr for the life of me the name costs him 20 a wheel and the guy comes out to him.I really want red walls

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hey fcdfed small world app u know a mate of mine some how or he knows of u he was talking about your car and I said I reckn it of this forum his name is kenny I think he knows u from his cusin or sumthin . he was just sayin how sweet your ride looks after the paint job!

Edited by Turbo Jet
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  • Member For: 16y 7m 7d
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  • Location: Northern South Australia

FCDFED, are you a spray painter?

Speaking of spray painting, gotta get my front bar re painted, its rooted now. I hit a spoon drain, I eaither didnt see the sign or there wasnt one. Any way its scratched to bits on the bottom and scratches comming up from the bottom on both sides. Not broken, but so ugly. :(

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