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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 5m 23d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: A big bridge over a river in South Australia

Oh well....maybe whoever put together that night run may - one day - remember that they have a 'duty of care' that must be shown to all participants and therefore not include areas to drive at night time that can be a challenge to drive during the day (for some people).

I know there is always a possibility that at some stage any one of us could 'run out of skill' therefore when anyone that is a part of this thread - whether I have met you personally or not - goes on any sort of (organized) run, please use caution.

It is for this reason that when I put together a hills cough-meet&greet-cough for Spy to organize, it also includes a warning about how dangerous some areas are to drive and that precautions should be taken.

Bottom line ..

If ya gunna go on one of those night runs ----- please be very careful coz there could very well be someone on the run that may 'run out of skill' and damage your property or hurt you (your loved ones).

This endith the lesson.


Who's up for a hills run?

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 5m 23d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: A big bridge over a river in South Australia

About time that there was something better on my car than yours Brad coz mine are awesome :)

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