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  • Member For: 12y 4m 14d
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Same thing happened to me at your power level,did you pick up midrange also?

This means the Walbro was out of puff as the engine getting extra fuel now is actually using it to some efficiency.A quick touch up tune is all you will need.

On a re run to check things she was 11.1:1 on the A/F so a whole 1 point richer.

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  • Member For: 14y 2m 13d

Hey guys

I'm putting an fg motor in my force 6 , the piston rattle of forgies sh*ts so I've bought a stocker and ill use the force 6 donk in a proper race car.

Does anyone know if the fg head and bf head are substantially different? I've got good valve springs on the bf head so the plan was to swap the heads over to avoid having to swap springs. Which manifold should I use? Bf motor has the nizpro upper, stock lower. I'm pretty certain I can use the fg exhaust manifold, an eye inspection looks as the main points are the same except for the turbo being rotated more on the fg.

Other than that I plan to swap sumps over and put my atomic oil pump from the bf into the fg motor.

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