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Apparently the Malwood option 5 in it ATM wasn't 100% set up properly when CV performance did it for some reason. Something about the shims and uneven wearing.

If its the clutch I've been told that a typhoon clutch is the way to go because it's not a organic clutch like the Malwood it's a ceramic clutch which can deal with the heat. The Malwood is only good once it's set up properly. But in saying that it's just an organic clutch which is wierd.... Kinda pointless of Malwood to make these in organic I would think.

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But I would know if the clutch was going its quite obvious and it was perfectly fine before this. So yer I get full verdict tomorrow since its at mechanic now and he is pulling it apart and having a look tomorrow

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haydo I tell ya right now in the world of clutches the malwood option 5 is the top dog and mal stands by his product, first things first rip the box out and have a look its not that hard if ya got a hoist and a few spannerz.

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what I reckon has happened is you probably busted a seal on your throw out disk / slave cylinder, saturating your clutch - resulting in slippage thus burning out the clutch. That explains the smoke from the madly spinning clutch which is getting no traction. The loss of fluid from the leaking seal could be preventing the clutch from disengaging explaining why you cant put it into gear. Unfortuantley, in the old cable days when this happened you could simply tighten up the cable to the clutch and off you go again. No such luck for hydraulics...

Like Jet said, time to bung it on a hoist and skin some knuckles bud. You'll save yourself mega$$$ in labour costs if you pull it out yourself, but certaintly not a job I would attempt to do unless you are sure of what you are doing and have a good mate to help you lift the box out.

Personally I would fork out the extra $$$ take it to a mechanic or clutch specialist. Warrantys are sometimes worth their weight in gold, especially with 400+ rwkw =)

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I'd think if he was leaking fluid the pedal would go to the floor and stay there.

Getting a manual box out is easy in these things. Can have it out in about 30 minutes on a hoist.

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what I reckon has happened is you probably busted a seal on your throw out disk / slave cylinder, saturating your clutch - resulting in slippage thus burning out the clutch. That explains the smoke from the madly spinning clutch which is getting no traction. The loss of fluid from the leaking seal could be preventing the clutch from disengaging explaining why you cant put it into gear. Unfortuantley, in the old cable days when this happened you could simply tighten up the cable to the clutch and off you go again. No such luck for hydraulics...

sounds familiour..............who said this? lol

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dont forget its running a lot more power now and clutch is weakest link in terms of friction. The AC racing twin plate in the phoons are good but your gonna need more than that for the power your running

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