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  • Member For: 16y 11m 22d
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what an absolute f*ck up... turbo nuts and studs are fused together.. absolutely rounded this nut, its so round not even funny... absolute *beep* of a job.. no idea how im even gonna get this apart for f*ck sake haha also found a lovely big puddle of zf oil on the floor in my shed ... it appears to be streaming out of the back part of the pan like the gasket has failed.... just my luck hey

anyone got some petrol and a match I cbf with it anymore

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  • Member For: 16y 11m 22d
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  • Location: Down South

well that was one of the worst jobs ive ever had to do...

broke part of the turbo support bracket, couldnt get the hot side piping off... scratched my rocker cover, one stud came out instead of the nut, rounded a nut heaps badly.. f*cked the exhaust housing gasket...

ah well the oil line was fully coked up with crusty sh*t no wonder the bearings are on their way out...




will take the turbo in tomorrrow and ring MV's about the oil leak from the zf.. its pretty major... about 1L of oil on the shed floor... may have to tow truck it there after the turbo is done....

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  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 8m 30d
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hey dude I know u got the new etm oil filter line but replace the bottom one aswell cause it will have that crap in it to

the turbo bolts are a bitch but whadda u do :idhitit:

mv's are a good choice dude get the zf serviced at the same time :msm:

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  • Member For: 16y 8m 30d
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woop 4000 tax back looks like a stally after all jet woop

dude good choice ull make those skyrines wheelies look ghey as with a big stall and the power got :idhitit:

so marios for u then??? hahahahah

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  • Skids?
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dude good choice ull make those skyrines wheelies look ghey as with a big stall and the power got :idhitit:

so marios for u then??? hahahahah

I <3 Bananas yer lol

dont no who to use for the trans rebuild

Bruces Guy? $1500-$2000

Sam SA Race? $2500ish

MV Autos? $3250

KPM? $2600

there without hi stall prices

whos used what?

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  • Member For: 16y 9m 24d
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I rounded the bolt head on the sump on my BA, who ever owned it before hand didnt leave the little rubber thingo on there and it was pretty stuck. I filed the bitch down a size and hammered a socket peice on there and that got the bitch turning. Took the mrs car and get a new one because by the time I got the socket peice off there the head wassssss FAAARKED. Good times. :D

Piktars are good.

Whats involed in putting the oil feed in, and why did you need a new sandwich plate? Doesnt the feed line just replace stock? Im thinking of getting one of the RAPIDS on they just posted up.

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  • Member For: 16y 11m 22d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Down South

I rounded the bolt head on the sump on my BA, who ever owned it before hand didnt leave the little rubber thingo on there and it was pretty stuck. I filed the bitch down a size and hammered a socket peice on there and that got the bitch turning. Took the mrs car and get a new one because by the time I got the socket peice off there the head wassssss FAAARKED. Good times. :D

Piktars are good.

Whats involed in putting the oil feed in, and why did you need a new sandwich plate? Doesnt the feed line just replace stock? Im thinking of getting one of the RAPIDS on they just posted up.

I couldnt do anything with a socket because there no clearance, you basically have 1 chance with the ringy and if you round it your farked, turbo manifold out.

the sandwich plate is for oil press and temp gauges.. no relation... but because I have a zf the trans cooler is in the way so I have to take the oil filter out to gain access to the oil feed line..

Dont get a rapid kit, speak to Leigh hes a great bloke... the ETM kit is the original and actually has speedflow fittings not the cheaper kind and its only 300 anyway not much more expensive but way better fittings..

feed line isnt too hard, ill tackle it once ive regained my sanity from getting the turbo out plenty of pictures to come..

its hard to see from the pics but the turbo had like charcoal and crusty oil inside of it.. definitely needed to be done... I cant believe it was so bad... haha

Bill Keen at Adelaide Turbo Services now has my turbo and manifold hes gonna get all new studs, gaskets, etc etc etc + re bearing and balance the turbo.. he said I should expect change from a grand so that's cool...

Rang MV they said 750 for a service on the zf.. hopefully I dont have to tow it there.

my big plans for getting sh*t done to the car have come a bit stuck with this zf problem.. but that's life with cars hahaha

good chattin with ya on site jet didnt see ya at the bbq though pm those links if that's cool mate :D

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  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 8m 30d
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gloo that's a farkn bargin and it was getting all removed last friday so id say yes if not very soon

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  • Member For: 16y 9m 24d
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  • Location: Northern South Australia

I was going to say, did he want to wait and send our cars to bruice or who evs and have it all swapped over in a day. But if its already off then that's ok. What you rekon install would cost for that lot jet? + 800 for a tune?

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