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I used nulon every time in my BA, was good sh*t. New car gets dealer sh*t. 5w 30 castrol stuff. Only cos its under warrenty. For now.

DOnt get my started on the flu,I been pumping down nuros which usally clears a headache up in 10 mins, not at the moment. 24 hours and near on 10 nuros and my head it killing me, and im sore as hell.

I'v giving up this morning on the drugs, just pumping water and laying on the couch. Ill give it till sunday and might hit the chemist up for some good sh*t. I know the mrs has some real good sh*t from when she was in hospital.

Any one watching the bathurst special on 7? Tis good sh*t.

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  • Member For: 16y 11m 22d
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find one of the chemists that still stocks the proper demazins.. you gotta leave your name when u buy them and you can only buy 6.. they have pseudoephedrine in them.. will make u sleepy, but youll feel hell better...

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only one oil The Fluffer FTWinnocent.gif

seconds to Royal Purplespoton.gif

hahahah yes true this shes well lubed :roflmbo:

yeh your right the castrol edge stuff is junk and the nulon dont get that good of a recomendation either

the one and only oil I use is fuch titan 10/40 full syn I think its called super gto or super syn either way my oil press guage still reads spot on even when cold and at the end of a hard drain cycle

tryed other sh*t b4 and the oil press guage wont even read until hot and when new :crybaby:

plus the best part is the fuch brand has a bloody top notch rep and is not bad coin/ltrs wise yeh I keep mine to 5000km intervials but I still like the fuch stuff.

even when ya drop the sh*t its still feels new between the fingers vs other sh*t gets that grimey salty feel :crybaby:

and I spose the best part is it keeps the jet still going and shes had 1 hard f*ckn life bit like fluffy :roflmbo::roflmbo::roflmbo::roflmbo:

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  • Member For: 16y 11m 22d
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hahahah yes true this shes well lubed :roflmbo:

yeh your right the castrol edge stuff is junk and the nulon dont get that good of a recomendation either

the one and only oil I use is fuch titan 10/40 full syn I think its called super gto or super syn either way my oil press guage still reads spot on even when cold and at the end of a hard drain cycle

tryed other sh*t b4 and the oil press guage wont even read until hot and when new :crybaby:

plus the best part is the fuch brand has a bloody top notch rep and is not bad coin/ltrs wise yeh I keep mine to 5000km intervials but I still like the fuch stuff.

even when ya drop the sh*t its still feels new between the fingers vs other sh*t gets that grimey salty feel :crybaby:

and I spose the best part is it keeps the jet still going and shes had 1 hard f*ckn life bit like fluffy :roflmbo::roflmbo::roflmbo::roflmbo:

yeah it was magnatec castrol sh*t, my service history is very average from the previous owner, hence why the turbo needs a rebuild I think.. I saw that fuchs stuff at motor traders this morning, but I hadnt heard much about it so I thought id get nulon.. whats your oil press gauge hooked too?? sandwich plate or teed into the oil feed.

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  • Member For: 16y 9m 24d
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I ran fuch in my old skyza, being an old bogie there oil for older cars was well priced compaired to castrol and the likes. Had no issues, but the skyza wasnt well, anything to be proud off so I wasnt fussed. Did run better though, but that may have been because it had an inch of cake baked onto the lifters before I serviced it.

You didnt just over fill it did you jetters? Lol

On a more serious note, how does oil pressure affect engine life? I would have thought engine temp would have been more important?

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  • Member For: 16y 11m 22d
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anyone here with know of any fg 18" xr wheels forsale?

im pretty keen for a set but there doesnt seem to ever be any forsale in sa

ive got cash waiting or swap + cash adjustment for my ba xr 17's

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Indeed and my contents insurance won't pay out cause they don't cover car parts. I'm gonna have to dig up my policy and check that though sounds like they are trying to stooge me. After I rang ford for a price to give the insurance mob I was looking foward to gettin my $753 per rim. Pretty riddiculous price hey

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