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  • Member For: 16y 8m 23d
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  • Location: Down South

ok so have any of you lot had warranty work done?

im not happy about the state they left my car in...


1. f*ck seriously, if your gonna wedge something in and bend it to spray behind it, at least bend it back your a panel shop

2. wtf did they seriously think I wasnt gonna check their workmanship?... this part was bent pulled out, they couldnt get it back in and left it

3. another bent bit not bent back into shape

not to mention the fact it looks like someone just sprayed brown jizz all over the joint

apparently they re sealed the window, the seam joint and the plug where the rubber harness for the boot goes in... but f*ck me 2 days just to bend some sh*t and spray it..




so whats the go... do I ring em back and say I want it put back properly or do I ring ford australia and complain about the panel shop... GRRRR

what happened to good workmanship ffs

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  • Member For: 16y 6m 25d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Northern South Australia

Go back there, ask to spead to the manager very politely. Then take him out to your car and show HIM what his workshop did. Tell him if he doesnt have it fixed you will ring ford australia and tell them after speaking to the manager personally, they still didnt fix it properly. Im sure if you inform him things will happen, its the fact that the service department arnt going to tell there managers about sh*t they f*cked. FIRE UP BUDDY!

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  • Member For: 16y 4m 5d
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  • Location: in a house or shed

Go back there, ask to spead to the manager very politely. Then take him out to your car and show HIM what his workshop did. Tell him if he doesnt have it fixed you will ring ford australia and tell them after speaking to the manager personally, they still didnt fix it properly. Im sure if you inform him things will happen, its the fact that the service department arnt going to tell there managers about sh*t they f*cked. FIRE UP BUDDY!

:innocent: that seams the way to go

OR do a JET and suc sum to get a good outcum

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  • Member For: 16y 1m 3d
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  • Location: Adelaide

yeah been back on the road for about a week. all up cost me 2000 to fix. I ended up using my orginal front bar so will get micke to primer up the one I bought and sell it.

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