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Gutter Rash


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I recently had my rear left wheel clip a supermarket entrance(more like an entrance for micro cars!) as I was turning into it's car park.

I have read some posts going back a few years and learnt that not many businesses can really do a 100% job especially on the polished/lacquered type mags.

I was quoted $1,000 for one new rim at the dealership.I also went to a smash repair business that was actually recommended and is used by the dealership.They could improve the rim but would not guarantee a "as new" look.

You can see from the picture the damage is not extensive approximately 2cm long.I was resided to the fact I might have to just leave it until my

father suggested to take a look at the spare wheel .I told him manufacturers these days tend not to supply a full-sized spare tyre let alone a sports rim identical to the other wheels...luckily I was wrong.

I am going to have the gutter rash wheel replaced by the spare rim and swap the tyres so that the damaged rim becomes the spare with the unused tyre.

It may seen like a trivial thing but it's funny how it can play with you mind especially if you want to keep the car in top condition.I just have to be careful not to do it again!


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  • Member For: 18y 6m 7d
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  • Location: Melbourne, VIC

Recently doing a bit of looking around myself, not for the same reason as yours, but a lot of wheel repair places I found online claim that there work is 'as new' once finished.

For example, http://www.wheelfixit.com.au/

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  • Member For: 14y 2m 12d
  • Gender: Male

Thanks guys, I still might replace the wheel with the spare but now knowing of at least two businesses that seems to be able to do the job to 100%,I'll try and get the rim to one of the shops recommended at a future time.

It's ridiculous that nothing like these businesses exist in Geelong!

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