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Turbo Bearings Gone


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Need some turbo help lads. The old boy (BAT-180K) has been diagnosed with "very noisy" turbo bearings. On acceleration its still pulls ok but its not 100%.

Firstly, my experience is that you can't trust Hobart workshops, they generally are dodgy and/or have no idea, hence my (maybe unfair) suspicions below. I was told "you cant drive the T from the workshop with that amount of noise (only heard with bonnet up mind you) as if turbo blows you will completely ruin your engine, as well as the turbo", and that "only option is a full overhaul - cost between $3-4,000".

I said to the girl that sounded like rubbish, and whilst the turbo is noisy sure, it could still last for a while (driven carefully) so no need to fix it just yet AND secondly, that it would be better to buy a reco or cheap second hand turbo (from here or Ebay etc) if it did blow than rebuild.

On both counts was told NO firmly - apparently you can't replace a BA turbo with bearing issues (and labout would be excessive) as the new turbo will suffer the same fate due to the ks my car has travelled. Secondly, driving the car even off boost (mostly) is simply too dangerous to the engine (it has been driving OK other than the excessive noise by the way, no engine lights, nothing....ever). Needless to say I payed the (excessive for work done) bill, told her where to go basically and demanded my car keys :f*ckyou:

Brutal honesty appreciated gents, its only my second "fun" car - but it will be no fun to pay 4k+ when the car is still old anyway if I don't have to. It will really help my decision on whether to flog the car off ASAP - rest of car is pretty much immaculate, compression/transmission/suspension etc perfect......cheers.

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Ebay have new cores for $900, as long as turbo fins are not scraping the housing's just grab 1 of those. If you can do it your self will cost you nothing, or any half decent workshops should do it for no more than $300 to $400.

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Yeh if it is noisy, it wont last long, and you should avoid driving it. Buy a second hand or a new turbo core, it happened to me recently and bought a second hand one for 600, and fitted it. Can be done if your ok with the tools, or just pay someone to do it, shouldnt cost nowhere near what you were quoted.

Get another quote elsewhere. There must be another shop that can do it cheaper as theres really not even a full days work involved.

Also change the turbo oil filter, as this can block up and cause the bearings to fail.

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Sounds like they wanted u to leave the car there so they get the work. As the others have stated buy a second had one or get it rebuilt.

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RHR, XRUte and Pazz, thanks very much guys, if in Hobart I would be happy to buy you blokes a beer. I was onto them RHR, the more they said "your car has to stay with us", the more I thought "my car has to leave your place"....lol

So it was what I thought, far from an ideal outlook but not the end of the world as they made out. Will have to baby it now until I either get it fixed or trade. Wanted to take a breathe and not just give it away, still a nice car and served me really well for years/Ks.

Again guys, thanks for your help, cheers.

Edited by CBXRT
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CBXRT, there's a place in Brunswick in Victoria called hypergear that do full rebuilds for $1150, send it over and get it back and have it up and running for $1500. Just google hypergear turbocharges.

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Might be an idea to remove the oil feed line for the mean time. Might be blocked and if its gone may make it last a little longer

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I think RHR means remove the oil feed line screen, not the whole oil feed line.

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yeah mate im in the same boat but I got quoted between $900 and $1500 for rebuild depending on damage done to housing etc andbout $300 to take turbo off and put back on again also should invest in an aftermarket oil feed line with a filter that can be accessed and changed easier like an earls or speedflow they are between $150 and $200 0n ebay depends who u buy from

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