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Xcal 3 Datalogging


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Go back to your tuner and mention you have issues with your fans, don't go back and tell him how to do his job or some idiot on a forum told you that things are wrong, but the way it is set up has the low speed fan coming on at 207 degrees and turning off at 211, assuming your low speed fan is good enough to cool your car, it will turn on at 207 degrees, if it gets it cooler than that temp it will continue to run as it has not meet the turn off temp. The turn off temp should be set at a lower temperature, ie if he wanted the fans to start at 207, it should continue to operate until it has reached a lower temp ie 200 degrees.

The high speed fan should be set up the same but at a higher operating temp, yours are set to start at 218 and turn off at 219, now if your temp reaches 218 your fans will start, if the temp drops imediately, your fans will continue to run until the car is turned off, but if the temp is not caught imediately and went above 219 your fans will turn off and you will have no cooling from the fans

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  • Menace
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Makes sense thankyou ratter.

I can see what you are talking about. At one spot it is backwards but yet still too high. The other spot it has bugger all td and is still backwards and too high considering it has a 72degree tstat in there.

I am going back as I was advised to check my cooling sys. which I will be flushing out and on my own call swapping the tstat to an 82deg high flow as I believe the 72 is too cold. Basically it will need to be redone anyway.

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Yeah just a simple fan issue.......

Have a think about those fan settings you were sent. It's more than the fact they are excessively high for a 72......

I know my tone is negative, but it's not directed at anyone here....just disappointing seeing stuff like this.

Edit. Didn't see ratter's post.

Ratter's is obviously way less harsh than me, but seriously......fan settings......even a dabbler like me can can work this out. No sympathy for mistakes like this. Now I have to apologise for my harshness again!

Edited by IH8TOADS
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  • Menace
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well today is a new day and the data is rollin in.

I uninstalled livelink and reinstalled it. This time let it take its time.

What I did wrong:

Downloaded then opened to install.

Installed livelink

The wizard came up and told me the installation wizard was finished.

I pressed ok.

Right there I needed to wait for a pop up saying install X3 drivers blah'd'blah.

So basically the drivers are in the download from Herrod if anyone wants to know.

Just need to be very patient when installing it.

Wait for any pop ups before pressing ok. Go for a smoke or something. :drag:

Glad its all fixed now I can begin my datalogging. Big thanx to everyone with your help getting this POS to work :)

Now just gotta figure out what I'm looking at. haha

Edited by Kroozin
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