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Fg Xr6T Ute Highbeams On Constantly

Big Mitch

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Okay, I just bought a brand new, FG XR6T Ute, picked it up yesterday afternoon from Q Ford at Springwood.

Drove it to work this-morning, and it was foggy/smokey in Brisbane. Turned my lights on, on my driveway, the lights turned on as per normal, drove down the street, turned the fog lights on, along with my highbeams. Got to the main road, and tried to turn the highbeams off as there was a car coming toward me, but they wouldn't turn off, they just stayed on constantly. In auto and manual switching they stay on a constant high beam. Now, I tested it during the day and it didn't do any of this, so I guess I can count out a relay sticking on.

Just went to touch footy tonight, and it's doing what it was doing in the morning again.

Has anyone else had this problem or am I going to have to take my brand new car back to the dealership tomorrow? :crybaby:

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That's weird, why did you have your highbeams on in fog anyway?

Are you pulling them to put them on then pushing the stalk away to turn off or is it other way round. Just remember its not like other cars where you pull stalk towards you to turn them on and off.

Edited by Wenier
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Sorry mate, I don't quite understand what you're saying...

You can push the stalk forward to keep them on, or pull it toward you for a burst of highbeams. That's how it should work, however, mine just stay on, it's as if the normal beam is the highbeam, and the highbeam is still the highbeam. There's no normal beam (when dark) during the day, it works as it should work.

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  • Sucker
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Well that's a nice intro to your new vehicle.

I'd say it'd either be a dodgy relay or a faulty combo switch (the indicator stalk etc.), but the later would only be expected after quite a few years. Either way the dealer should be able to sort it with minimal fuss.

:welcome2: and post up some pics of your new baby

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