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Brake Fluid !


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  • Italian Stig!!
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Hi Guys want to know is it easy flush my brakes on my 06 bf turbo ?

I have notice my brake fluid gone completely black color and all dirty stuff in it and running bit low side as well :s

I have big brakes too 6 pot at front and 4 pot at the rear !

anyone can help guide me or should I get someone to do it ??


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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(Well this post turned out longer than I expected)

Just did mine today.

I have standard calipers (not brembo etc). Ensure you empty the reservoir of all the dirty crap and chunks it may have in there but leave a little fluid covering the drain holes of course (don't want air in there). Start with the furthest away caliper and work back - so rear passenger, then rear drivers, then front passengers, then drivers. This ensures the clean fluid doesn't get dirtied by the other calipers as you flush.

Also the plastic lid to the brake fluid reservoir gets water condensation on the underside, tap it out as best you can or leave it to dry maybe (don't et it get dust and crap on it though)...and poke/pull the rubber rings on the secondary cap so they sit normally, they will suck down when the fluid drops. I was paranoid and replaced the cap each time after checking/refilling. Do not let debris enter the fluid reservoir (note instructions to clean cap before removing...).

I'm no mechanic but manage these things ok. Check this thread for some piccies of the areas of interest. It's discussing speed bleeder valves but they look the same once fitted anyway, the nipples that is.

More importantly in that thread is a tip from Luke for those with standard calipers: Remove the top bolt (and loosen the bottom one) that holds the caliper to the car, so you can swing the caliper to a vertical position. This avoids any air bubbles moving through getting trapped above the bleed nipple (dumb povo brake kit design by PBR/placement by Ford). You may find them f*ckING tight, small amount of WD40 on them for 5 mins and slip a bit of pipe/jack handle over the prong of the spanner so you can get more torque on it. Tighten them right back up too! Don't want brake calipers flying off...

You can probably find guides for brake bleeding using the two person method on youtube etc. Basically fit clear tube over the nipple (fishtank tube for example, make sure it's a fairly tight fit on the nipple), get someone to push firmly on the pedal and loosen the nipple a little until the black fluid starts flowing out, then tighten it back up again, BEFORE asking them to release the pedal (which goes all the way down to the floor when you loosen nipple). You don't want to let the fluid go backwards at all as it can cause big problems with ABS modules or so I've read.

Tip: make sure you check/refill the brake fluid in the engine bay regularly, it gets lower of course and you don't want to suck in air from up there. Takes a lot of "down!" *loosen...tighten* "UP!" and repeat :) You stop when the fluid is coming through clean at the nipple.

I'd recommend 2 bottles of fluid in case you find small bubbles when it's clear or the black gunk seems to keep coming through like on mine today. Here's a nice pic of the old fluid. Turns out it's heavier than used power steering fluid and they don't mix, hahaha (PS fluid black layer on top)


Nice new clean fluid...but I missed some little flakey gooey bits :/


Also watch out for spiders moving into the brakes hahaha. Not sure this daddy longlegs liked the ride temperatures soon afterwards...


I'm surprised there's not a sticky on bleeding the brakes already? The caliper position tip for the B series guys is worth reading.

Well I'm tired and was supposed to be playing Deus Ex so I'll finish there. Hopefully some other members chime in with more tips.

Oh final tip. You can pay a brake place 30 odd dollars to do this all for you and avoid skinned knuckles :)

Edited by -SteveR-
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One thing to remember if you are bleeding the Brembo brakes, is that there is a bleed nipple on the outside (which you can see) as well as a bleed nipple on the inside edge of the calliper as well. To get to this turn the wheel full lock, and you will see the back one. So remember to bleed them both :)

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Also if your fluid level is low check your pad life as low fluid is also an indicator of pad wear. No point having nice new fluid then running out a pad not long after.

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Yeah I wish I had a big syringe to get it out, I siphoned mine with the small tubing. Second time I've tasted brake fluid.

For the fronts Mike's tip on turning the wheels is certainly required with PBR setup. Car up on two stands, both fronts wheels off, access bolts and nipples much easier.

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I use a turkey baster or plain roast baster. It sucks up heaps. Then spray some brake clean on a clean cloth to get those flaky bits out.

Start at the left rear, then right rear. Left front and lastly right front when bleeding.

I use fish tank air lines to collect all the excess fluid when bleeding. You just slip it over the bleeders and into a coke bottle. Put about 2cm of brake fluid in the bottles before you start so they cant suck any air back. Keep the ends of the lines submerged though.

If your doing it yourself then the gravity bleed is the way to go.

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For a syringe, go to a place that sells stuff for horses. They have heaps of 60 to 70mL syringes.

Speed bleeders make it a lot easier to flush brake fluid and bleed brakes. I've got them on my and my girlfriend's taxis.

As posted earlier... have a look through this previous thread: Brake Nipples - Speed Bleeders And Brembo & Falcon Standard Brakes How to make brake bleeding VERY easy!


Edited by PhilMeUp
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