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Guys, see if the's a Castrol distributor in town. I rang Autobarn and asked about 20L drums and they told me who the agents were. Mind you they quoted me $300 when I've seen guys down south say they paid $240 odd. Works out about a quarter of the price I was quoted for genuine.

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I just want to clarify, if I opt to use Transmax I NEED to have a full flush performed? I've bee quoted $450 for a Transmax service which ive been led to believe is a full flush. I contacted another company which quoted me $400 for a service using Lifeguard, the person told me that a typical service only uses about 6L of oil.

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only time I get any form of rev hunt is first up in the morn when I start it up and leave it for 30sec it'll rev maybe 200-300 rpm higher than usual and back down to regular idle, once in gear it doesnt do it at all that ive noticed.

That rev hunt your talking (if I understood what you said correctly) is just the car running the rich startup cause its cold. The rev hunt the others are talking about is when its shifting it will hang like your riding the clutch in a manual.

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where are people buying the cheapest steel and plastic pans from???


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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The rev hunt the others are talking about is when its shifting it will hang like your riding the clutch in a manual.

My issue isn't when shifting. It's in one gear, I'm driving along at constant speed and revs are going up and down about 250RPM about once a second. Even if the car is on 1/4 coolant temp and like 60° oil temp it still does it in the mornings. I have had to start leaving the car warming up for like 3-5 mins to reduce the time I spend driving with this problem. If I gear down and get the revs above 2k it's not as noticeable, not sure if this is torque converter staying unlocked?

My advice to anyone else in my situation would be a visit to the tuner, maybe I'll go hassle him again about it.

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That rev hunt your talking (if I understood what you said correctly) is just the car running the rich startup cause its cold. The rev hunt the others are talking about is when its shifting it will hang like your riding the clutch in a manual.

ahh yes, thanks for clarifying that :)

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