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Sct Handset Rip Off?


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  • Member For: 13y 9m 10d

Hi all,

Can anyone tell me:

Why is it that the Australian Dollar is currently 1.05 verses the U.S dollar and we in Australia are paying $750.00 for a SCT handset on it's own whilst in the U.S they can be bought for $350. - 370.

Are we getting ripped off? Is this a ploy by distributors to "control" the market and maintain a high price?

Is there way to "convert" them to work in Australia, has anyone tried? There are some very smart electronic wizards out there, Im sure. The answer can't be that "it simply doesn't work because there not made for Australian cars." Perfomance or turbo cars accross the globe operate on the same principles - ecu's, tunes, etc etc.

Any ideas or thoughts?

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This is an age old question that has been asked many times.

Bottom line is this 'they' say it is because of the R&D that goes into making it work for the Aus market.

And no you cant get a US model to work with our vehicles because of the way they have set the software to work.

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