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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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New lash adjusters installed - looks to have cured it. Will know for sure cold start tomorrow morning.

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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  • Member For: 14y 10m
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  • Location: Gold Coast

Had an overnight cold start tap/knock over about number 5 or 6 inlet. When you'd first start the car it was normal. Then if you left it idle for about a minute, it started making the noise. Leave it running for a couple of minutes after that and as it started to warm up the noise went away. At any time after that if you started it throughout the day - no issues.

Since the firmer springs went in, you'd here the valve train starved for oil for a split second on cold start. Even prior to the new HLA's going in, it would still sound a bit noisy in the valve train until it got a bit of temp into it.

Cold start this morning, it had no split second starvation noise and of course the tap/knock is completely gone. Also, the valve train sounds exactly the same straight after fire up through to when it gets temp. Quiet as a church mouse now.

Also given my previous camshaft problems, I'm pleased to report they were spot on with no abnormal signs of wear - pit marks etc. The engine still looks pristine inside.

The PAC racing springs are 100lb installed seat so they're effectively working the adjusters near twice as hard. If you get one that's already feeling the pinch, it will and in my case did, throw in the towel.

It really did sound sinister like a rod was wanting to say hello. But...bent things don't normally come good with heat.

OEM are ridiculous at $88 a pop but that includes a new rocker. No, Ford wont separate them. So, $2112 dollars please sucker I mean sir, lol.

TBRE supplied Nason ones for a shade under $200 a set delivered. He uses them in all his builds as do spool imports in their packages. The anti-pump ups are also very good buying at around $500 from memory but Tony said I don't need them with stock camshafts and I trust his judgement. I have it on good authority that the Atomic ones are the identical units. Lets face it, it's not like everybody manufactures them. If they were good enough in a 1000hp 8 second Barra, I think they'll be fine for me ;)

Edited by Bomber
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OOh.. Mine does the same thing...

Crow springs.. built motor. Start up sounds like your rummaging through the pots and pan draw. 2-3 seconds and goes away.

Decent oil pressure blah blah

Been chasing out tails..

Im running atomic cams so anti-pump maybe the way to go..

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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  • Member For: 14y 10m
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Gold Coast

Yep, they'll be flogged out sure as eggs mate. Given you're running different cams I'd go the anti-pump ups.

Edited by Bomber
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