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Love this car ! Its epitomizes how 90% of us would mod our T's. Nice bolt ons with well thought out wheel/suspension packages.

I can relate to the no rain thing. Ive had mine for near on two years and its only seen a wet road once. I degrease and wash the undercarrage evey 6 months.. Ive got an illness :(

But in saying that..a "clean" car will always pull more cred that a heavily modified,cruddy one.

X Force is very questionable.. I have access to their systems and have instaled for various customers. There hasnt been one system that we havent had to tweak in one way or another. At the end of the day the time spent and quoted to fit the "bolt up " system wasnt worth it. You get what you pay for. Im sure theres plenty that have had

had no issues.. but the as a retailers point of view its a pain in the ass.

I do have a question.. and its probably not the right section.. But Bomber mentioned that changing wheel diameter changes the dyno reading..and I do understamnd the physics. But the question is.. what would be the average "loss" .. say going from 18's.. 19's and ultimately 20's ??

Also just a note. Anyone getting a stainless X force or any other stainless system for that matter fitted should ask his installer to wipe the system down with brake clean or something similiar before start up. The oil from our fingers will stain the system when it heats up for the 1st time and will stay there.

Again.. Ill repeat.. I have an illness . lol

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I lost 30rwkw going from 18s to 22s.

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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  • Member For: 14y 7m 30d
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  • Location: Gold Coast

Thanks for the nice comments jimmixr.

Went on an XR club of QLD run today. The new zorst has a nice deep note at idle and cruise. With loud pedal though, I reckon if anything it's actually quiter than stock. Could just be the change to mild steel - not sure.

Initally I wasn't sure about the tweaked tune even though I know the dyno doesn't lie; know Hi -Torques Mainline marks a solid 10 - 15rwkw lower than the old D/D. Couple of different twistie bits going up Tamborine Mountain it kinda just didn't seem like it was pulling hard. Then my son asked, how come that yellow light dash keeps flashing Dad :) The thing was turning the 275's today on perfectly dry roads at anything up to 100klm. Turned the traction control off once - fixed :)

I take on board comments about the xforce hit and miss. I'm working through the fitment issue as stated in the earlier post, so will ultimately judge them on how they rectify it. I also intend to remove it from the car and repaint it in VHT matte black as some of the silver flaked straight off.

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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  • Member For: 14y 7m 30d
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  • Location: Gold Coast

Removed most of the exhaust this arvo (except for front merge piece) sanded back and repainted in VHT matt black. Looks much better refitted. The silver paint xforce used was flaking off in several spots and had burnt off almost completely on the dyno at the front merge. Still waiting on the correct 'bolt up' front section which I should have Monday. I'll sand that straight back also a repaint before fitting.

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