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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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It's a Pedders kit. The first run had some issues with seals I've been told but the kit has improved. If buying new for what I'm after it would be a no brainer - shockworks. If I could get a s/hand set cheap enough you can't go too wrong with the rears. Even if you just saved the springs and adjustable spring perch, you can run whatever dampeners you want. Will keep looking around. Something will come up.

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Hey Bomber. Dumb question, but could you buy the 'adjustable spring perch' as you call it (and a c spanner to suit) and then have a set of ssl sitting on it to make the desired height?

Or am I just dumb and dont know how coilovers work? Lol

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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Close but no cigar. You need the shortened springs to go with the spring perches to suit mate.

I've been told it's unlikely the XA pedders will wind up to 350mm at full adjustment. Would think even more unlikely with XYZ's but will ask tomorrow. Definitely shockworks do and I believe Teins as well. Both of these are not designed to slam the car. I'm not talking about big margins. The car has basically dropped 7-8mm on the passenger side compared to drivers. The only corner on the money is drivers front which is bang on 350mm hub to guard.

Edited by Bomber
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Ahhh....I see.

But aren't ssl and sssl shortened springs? Or is it something to do with spring rates and stuff?

Meh...I can see why you were spewin about missing out on the tein rear setup minus shocks.

Im assuming you cant just buy those parts on their own, directly from tein or shockworks?

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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Tein definitely no - tried today. Shockworks not sure yet. Worse case I'll just run the 10mm superpro spring seats but they're bloody expensive for what they are - like $150. Can get bloody new springs for that but no guarantee of height of course.

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Bit hard to tell from that pic but I reckon the back is sitting about the same as mine now... Nice

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