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Known Issues Fg Xr6T


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Some Tuners don't really want to know you if your not spending $15-$25 large, and you don't want over 400rwkw.

Under 400rwkw isn't good for there Face Book pages!

My Opinion.

Edited by GeGe6
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after carefully looking through the tune, my tuner has spotted what he thinks is the problem and its in the transmission tune. I am taking the car back in tomorrow at 10am so fingers crossed this is the issue. I will let you guys know the outcome.

Don't waste your time. Its not in the trans tune.

Can you tell me what strategy is it. You can find that out by plugging in the SCT. Just curious to see if it matches the PIA "stalling" strategy that was originaly put in my car.

You can also tell your tuner that I have a "no stall" strategy which is absolutely rock solid coming back to idle. .

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The issue is that there are people that are way too money hungry this whole buying your leeway with 400kw+ builds is Bullsh*t, like mentioned the next cashed up kid is ready to bring his car in, churn and burn until you screw the wrong person over. When your spending thousands of dollars you'd expect to be treated better, I've been working on cars long enough to know when somethings not right its just the Wizardry in modern EFI that makes it to difficult.

My idle issue is very minor goes away after few seconds in gear but still not normal despite what am brought up to Believe is cop out for excuse of something wrong with tune or other issue in car that's not picked up, coupled with me being too busy to strip the car down change this change that have done enough of that in the past.

Cold start, turn car on. Idles OK in Park, Shift into Reverse, shuddering badly only for 4 seconds, then when taking off surging, hesitating, only for 1st three take offs then OK. Turbotrana forgot your name, think it's just over-fueling issue maybe your skills can help but this car is SCT Tuned otherwise may try to book car in with Tuner if has a solution.

Edited by Z2TT
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Don't waste your time. Its not in the trans tune.

Can you tell me what strategy is it. You can find that out by plugging in the SCT. Just curious to see if it matches the PIA "stalling" strategy that was originaly put in my car.

You can also tell your tuner that I have a "no stall" strategy which is absolutely rock solid coming back to idle. .

My god you were right. lol It is still stalling -.-

Not only this, but someimtes when I floor it, it will hold around 4,000rpm and feels like its spitting power abit then keeps going past 4,000rpm. Is this tune related also or is this spark plug issue?

Stalling still happening, really getting frustrated.

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Well it's tuned. You might need to put the fuel injectors and other stuff that's not friendly to the stock tune back to a stock tune friendly state, put the stock tune back in, get your refund and go straight to another known good tuner.

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