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Known Issues Fg Xr6T


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I've been thru this. I bought an FG that had a stalling problem (me being the third owner). The second owner of the vehicle spent $15000 on mods at a top Perth Tuning place to be left with an FG that stalled. That is the reason why he got rid of it. The tuner had a few goes in trying to fix. I saw that he played with some dashpot parameters in the tune to try to fix it but he was way off the problem.

When I bought the car I rang the "top perth tuner" to try and sort the matter out. He said he thought he fixed it. He also lied to me and said the car was stalling before it was bought to him. Complete BS. He was of no help, I just saw he wanted to try to get money out of me instead of jointly trying to solve the problem.

Anyway at the time I gave the tuner the benefit of the doubt cause he was " a top perth tuner" and I didn't think the tuner was the cause of the problem. I didn't want to blame someone for something that I wasn't sure of. I tracked down the service history of the vehicle and there was never an issue with stalling prior to the modifications, the first owner of the vehicle confirmed this.

Nevertheless I had a tuning background, learnt HP Tuners and it was pretty clear once it was solved that it was ALL caused by what the tuner did.

As I said before, your original tuner may NUT it out. But if he does not, do not be afraid to politely say that thankyou for your work, however the vehicle does stall after you tuned it. You have had a couple of goes at it with no success. Now give me a refund for the tuning work and I will let someone else have a go.

The tuner may be a great guy. You did not pay for a car that stalls

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Turbotrana great response mate really appreciate it.

I think you are 100% right. I mean I am very unhappy that I've paid good money only to have the car stall on me its really not acceptable. The fact that the tuner does not know instantly what is wrong is worrying for me as any solution he comes up with is basically going to be a stab in the dark.

I will wait to hear from him and if he can't find a solution this time, I will as you suggested politely ask him for a refund on the tune and take it to another tuner to see if they can solve the issue.

Is stalling going to damage my engine? Obviously I'm avoiding driving it at the moment but its my daily and I cant really afford to leave it at home every day.

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yeah fair call. It only stalls when I stop the car and the revs go to around 600rpm. Basically the issue is at idle and its compounded as soon as I stop and they drop that's when it will stall. During normal driving the car is absolutely fine :)

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Interesting read

When I first got my ute tuned back in 2011 (not by current tuner), I also had a similar stalling issue, just when idling at the lights usually.

The guy was a fair hike from where I am so I let him know it was an issue, and put up with it until I had spare time. It wasn't so bad for me as mine is manual, could always tell it was about to die and give the throttle a prod.

When I took it back to him for a replacement clutch he gave the tune a bit of a tweak...also wrung a few extra ponies out of it so no complaints that's for sure lol...and voila no more stalling

Hope your bloke can sort it mate

Though if you've been back there a couple of times for him to have a crack at it then yeah you may need to look at other options

Good luck with getting a full refund on the tune though lol

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  • To Loud
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To be honest, they have tuned it to the point where it has good power. It is the stalling that is the issue.

To be fair to the tuna, I think I would only be comfortable ask for 50% of the tuning cost back.

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I wouldn't be paying anything to have it fixed, whether it was done by the original tuner or someone else he used.

But if you demand a refund, full or otherwise then you have to find another tuner, who didn't tune the car and is now fixing up someone else's problem, and you'll be paying them decent money anyway

And while there are many honest and upright tuners, you'd be naïve to think there aren't plenty of operators out there who could turn what may be a small problem into a pretty big drama that requires plenty of coin thrown at it

Hence the value of the forum and finding the right tuner... CMS4LYF!!

My 2c

Edited by camo86T
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This tuners tune is of NO value to a subsequent tuner. With SCT a new tuner has to start from scratch anyway and I would as most tuners prefer to start from a virgin tune. Especially considering this particular tune has an issue and has had its tables raped.

Who knows what he has done. Are they ID1000 injectors or 1000cc injectors bought off ebay. A new tuner is faced with questions like this and it can sometimes just end up being a big headphuck for the people who have to fix up these sorts of jobs.

You deserve a full refund. Be nice but firm.

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  • To Loud
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Turbotrana, thank you for taking the time to explain that. I understand now, why a full refund for the tuning is required.

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Could I suggest a throttle body clean, just to rule out the really simple thing

I know it's just had a tune but the stock tune might have been able to compensate for it

Only a suggestion and I hope it gets fixed without to much trouble

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