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Known Issues Fg Xr6T


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  • To Loud
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Keep us updated alright.

Hang in there and hopefully it is fixed now.

If it is fixed, I am sure you gonna enjoy and love the ride.

I am still not over it. Give it a bootfup whenever I can.


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no good, same issue on my way home. Stopped at a stop sign and boom stalled like a boss

called the tuner and he said he will have a look through the tune for anything odd and get back to me ASAP.

am I crazy for thinking it could be something other than the tune? Fuel pump because of the injectors? Spark plugs?

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I would say all Tuna related. I would narrow it down to injector scalling and possibly whether the tuna put in another tune strategy that does not belong to your vehicle. They were the two problems that a Tuna phucked up on the already tuned FG that I bought. Also Fgs are sensitive in some areas, its the way it was tuned from the factory.

Nevertheless get the tuna to fix it up. Tell him you want your money back cause it not acceptable to have a car stall on you. Take it somewhere else who may have more of a clue.

anyone had any issues at idle? after I did my mods last weekend it idles rough when I started the car up and actually stalled when I came to a stop at the lights. The revs just dropped too low when I brake and stop at the lights.

took it back to my tuner who changed a couple of numbers in the tune, seems to be running back to normal this morning but fingers crossed it stays like that.

Could the fact it was tuned on a 38 degree day alter the numbers? or the fact that the FG tries to adjust itself? or even new spark plugs etc?

Anyone had similar issues?

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1000cc injectors I'm not sure of the brand the invoice doesn't say. Tuner supplied them, I dont want to mention the tuner because I'm not here to make him look bad. I havent bashed the limiter, I have hit redline on a couple of quick runs but no bashing.

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Its not fuel pump or spark plugs. Tuna cant look thru nothing. He either knows how to fix it at this stage or he doesn't and never will. Tell him you will give him two shots at it. Then ask for money back and go elsewhere.

no good, same issue on my way home. Stopped at a stop sign and boom stalled like a boss

called the tuner and he said he will have a look through the tune for anything odd and get back to me ASAP.

am I crazy for thinking it could be something other than the tune? Fuel pump because of the injectors? Spark plugs?

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Its not fuel pump or spark plugs. Tuna cant look thru nothing. He either knows how to fix it at this stage or he doesn't and never will. Tell him you will give him two shots at it. Then ask for money back and go elsewhere.

cant really ask for money back because I've got all the parts on the car lol? plus why would he even give the money back if I'm going to go elsewhere, he would just say GFY lol.

Id rather find a solution with the tuner, I took it back to him this morning and he tried to fix it and couldn't, I'm awaiting his next solution.

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  • To Loud
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Mark_Googs, Don't take this the wrong way, but Turbotrana knows what he is talking about.

He tuned his own car.

What he is trying to say is that your tuna either knows how to fix the problem, or he does not know.

If he does not know how to fix it, he won't be able to Fix it as no one will tell him the secret to it. ;)

With that in mind, you can ask the tuner for your money back, for the tuning of your car.

Not all the parts. that stays in your car. You tell him that what ever it cost to tune the car, you want that money back.

Then you go to a reputable known tuner and get it fixed.

We don't see why you should have to pay twice to get the car tuned properly.

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Masda, thanks for explaining that for me.

It seems like the best way to go I think. If he cannot fix it this time, I will request my money back for the tune and go elsewhere.

Appreciate all of your advices, I didn't mean to sound disrespectful to turbotrana as I'm sure he is very experienced. (certainly more experienced than me!!)

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