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Known Issues Fg Xr6T


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  • To Loud
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WOGPOT, please dont take this the wrong way, I am not having a go at you.

I do not agree with you that the diff whine is normal. I did not have a whine when I got the car brand new.

It eventually took me three trips to the dealer to get it replaced under warranty.

Some people can put up with it, but it got to the point that it got worse and worse.

Thought the whine was there because I had the wife in the car, but that was not the case.


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  • To Loud
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Fair enough. At one point I had the radio at level 25 and that was blasting, I could still hear the diff.

I am glad I got the diff replaced.

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you need to replicate the problem while they are in the car for them to warrant to fix it.

so dont complain when they knock your claim back because they cannot see or hear the problem at the time you showing them. for eg a test drive.

very frustrating I know esp when your car has an intermittent noise etc that only does it sometimes.

its the same for every industry when referring to warranty etc.

Mine must not be that loud then..only happens very quietly around 100kmh.. some people say theres are loud but mine is not really loud.

pazz try some fresh diff oil.

Edited by Ford Freak
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  • To Loud
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Ford Freaky, the second time I was there at the dealer, I showed one of their support reps what the issue was.

They took it to some specialist in wangara and said it was normal. I told the guy bollocks.

Anyways the third time, I got the service manager to go for a drive and he heard it. So I totally agree with you that they need to hear it.

Just be persistant and bug them till they fix it is my moto.... :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hey guys just bought a 09 XR6T Ute got it home and noticed a knock in the arse when changing gears feels like there is heaps of back lash in the drive line somewhere. Also when braking when going slowly sounds like a grinding noise kinda like the discs are out of round also the biggest thing changing from first to second gear just normally so like at 2-2.5 grand it crunches kinda into gear. Really alloying oh and the fog lights both are milky.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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OK, so had a look under my FGmk2 manual with 5000km -has oil on the diff and the gearbox, so leaks from somewhere.

Oh, and randomly have had DSC error and Comm unit error when starting.

Sigh, back to Ford again....

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Oh, and randomly have had DSC error and Comm unit error when starting.

Sigh, back to Ford again....

mate I had the comms error on my mk2 as well,changed the s**thouse factory batt (430cca) to a 600cca problem gone,you should see a "low voltage" appear on your icc screen when you crank it over but its very brief when it appears. my mk2 is the same age as yours etc.. and it had a dead batt at the dealership! had to batt pack start it to take it for a test drive! not saying its the cure for your dsc/comms prob but its a very strong bet that it is,very well known issue with that battery size in our cars.forget asking ford to change it as they will just put another piss weak one in. you will get a comms error if you change the batt but dont panic as it will go and never be seen again,its just reloading your audio settings. turn the car off,wait a few mins and start it up and it will be gone

Edited by damo6
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^^^^ Have to agree the Ford stock battery that comes with the car is crap you will only get a year out of it I will be changing prob around 6 - 8 months as when they go you don't get to many days notice.

When I have been at Ford the last 3 times they have been unsuccessfully trying to start a car with a knackered battery or driving in and the guys pushing the battery back up cart around.

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