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Known Issues Fg Xr6T


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A/C Is known to play up and apparently blend hotter air from the heater sometimes when it's not supposed to, Software update apparently fixed some little bugs like this, and faulty outside ambient temp sensor can confuse the Climate Control Unit.

Other than that FG"s Generally don't perform as well as BA's and BF's when they are running right, especially in hotter days...

Clunk when taking off I only notice after hard braking after ABS has kicked in, if it does it when your only pulling up I'd get it looked at.

Rough Idle all FG Turbos seem to do it, apparently it can be tuned to run smoother.

Mine has had a idle issue had it to 3 of the big named sydney tuners and all of them cannot fault it had it to ford cant fault it other than the slight bobble. I have always run ultimate and I put a tank of vpower in and it smoothed out so for the last 8 months ive been using shell but today got stuck and had to put bp ultimate in and its bobbling around.

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  • I bought my 08 Fg XR6T 6speed Manual 3 weeks ago. Thank god for 3 months warranty! Slack driveline. Mechanic thought it was the diff bush, but then he found the cradle was cracked! It has all been replaced, but there is still a little slack there. I am definitely getting an end of warranty inspection. Anyone had one done. Are NRMA inspections ok, or are there better ones out there?

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  • I bought my 08 Fg XR6T 6speed Manual 3 weeks ago. Thank god for 3 months warranty! Slack driveline. Mechanic thought it was the diff bush, but then he found the cradle was cracked! It has all been replaced, but there is still a little slack there. I am definitely getting an end of warranty inspection. Anyone had one done. Are NRMA inspections ok, or are there better ones out there?

My advise is go to a forum sponsor and get it checked over way better than NRMA or one of the others out there know and probably a bit cheaper.

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  • WOT?
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2 months/4.5k's on my FG MKII

Aircon not cold - even on max, only cool

Air only comes out of left hand rear passenger vent (behind the center console) - nothing out of the right hand one at all

Climate control can't seem to find its "happy place" - alternating blasts of hot/cool air. I have to keep turning it up and down to compensate

Pulsing/surging on idle - tacho doesn't move but there's a definite "rhythm" to the revs or vibration coming from the engine. Sometimes worse/stronger than other times.

Vibration throughout the car at highway speeds. I think it's getting worse - not too noticible, but if I relax my mouth it makes my teeth chatter - a really high speed vibration.

Brakes don't have any real "bite" or "grab"

I'd love to take another XR6T for a cruise and compare to see how much is normal behavior and how much I should be getting looked at.

Edited by raband
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Brakes are sh*t stock, good pads and DBA 4000 t3s with some good brake fluid helps a lot.

Aircon issues seem common enough, shuddering on the highway isn't good, missing wheel weight or wheel alignment out? Hit any curbs or big potholes? I'd get that wobble looked at.

Common to get fluctuating revs when cold, never had a problems beyond that with it.

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  • WOT?
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Thanks for the reply.

I was guessing that with the brakes - upgrade will be on the cards.

Haven't hit any curbs, but there have been some pot-holes - I'll go for a balance and alignment if the dealer doesn't work with me.

I've been checking wheel-nuts, tyre pressure etc since I picked the car up from the dealer - it just has had something not quite right from the go. Slowly getting worse after noticing the vibration tonight for the first time.

Revs/idle isn't just when cold - can be worse after a decent drive at times.

Aircon/climate control I really want to work out if it's a "characteristic" of the model, or something that should be fixed.

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Hi, new here. Just reading about the hot air airconditioning problems.

This started happening in my FG at about the third year.

Starting problems as well which also reset the radio and who knows what else.

Somebody mentioned the factory batteries are well, not the best, they were right. Their designed just to last 3 years and now with the more demanding electrical systems in the cars, my guess is there not up to it.

With I think, the FG and on, were you just hit the key and the car does the rest, if the battery is loosing capacity the volts will drop past a level which will upset the cars computer.

I asked the dealer to check the battery twice, on both occasions they said it was OK ????

A simply thing as a good battery can make a car super reliable. These faults only appeared in my ute as the battery came round to the 3rd year.

If this makes sense let me know, I've been reading the posts to workout whether I will buy a turbo.

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been pretty trouble free with my ute. fg turbo 2009.

bought it near new, only had the wiper motor replaced. and that's it.

pushing just over 400kw though it now and still running fine,,,,touch wood so far. ahahha

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mine 010 50th ,clunck in front end had it at ford say bottom control arm gone, replaced 650 said why not warranty, wear and tear anyway took home two days later knock back took back all tight undercar,got some turns out of other side last night dsc came on ,and the clunck was as loud as sounded like the front end was gunna drop of , so back to ford again also I slight whine in diff when backing of at about 100kph , has 80,000k on it but have told ford since new about diff all I got was cant hear it other than that the car is great

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