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Ultimate Iphone Integration Setup On Ba/bf Premium Icc


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  • Member For: 19y 2m 26d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Melbourne

Gday guys,

So after being content with the performance modifications I had made to my car it was time to work on a new project and more on the cosmetic side of things.

For years I have read several posters share their innovative ideas and things they have done in the audiovisual department and the capabilities that the standard ICC has to offer.

I had been contemplating following the trend and doing a full incar pc setup running centrafuse but after seeing the outlay required I could not really justify this option.

It so happens that like most people these days I happen to have an iphone and since having this device I barely used my PC so thought if it would be amazing if somehow I could incorporate the iphone into the ICC.

After months on end of research I hadn’t had much luck. I passed my idea on to a technical minded friend and he has come up with the ultimate solution,

As per the youtube video I can now not only output my iPhone’s video onto the screen but I can also control the screen.

My friend is reluctant to share the technology behind what he has done but he has said he will look into developing a plug a play kit for anyone who is interested. At the moment it still needs some fine-tuning but you can see the potential of the project.

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  • Member For: 19y 2m 26d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Melbourne

Thanks guys.

Yeah I did the overlay and rgb kit myself but could never figure the communication channel between the overlay and the phone (which is where my friend came in).

I also found out that where I had originally sourced my rgb box and overlay from that I was charged a significant premium.

Like everyone else I want to justify the outlay for the result. If there is a interest I will urge my friend to develop a kit designed specially for the BA/BF falcon because installing this for the first time took over 2 days, with the right cables and a bit of know how can't see why it can't be done in about 2 hours.

As for the android as I am unsure of it's software capabilities I really can't give you a definite yes or know but if it has got a video out and rotational software I honestly can't see why not.

If anyone is interested in this let me know and once all the fine tuning and bugs are sorted I will look to get a kit realease given there is enough interest

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