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Blown Engine


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Did, its still a valid question.

When we pulled the sump off the motor we found it to full of fibers from a rag that was used buy this mechanic when he was changing the springs. Apparently they put a rag in the opening at the top of the timing case cover to stop anything falling down there. Well this must of been left there. It caused my turbo to blow in two days blockage of oil feed line then after two months or so it got the better of my engine clogging up the oil pump cause the engine to drop oil pressure and then ultimatly letting go by the chain shearing the teeth off the cams and causeing massive engine damage.

This car has been owned by me from day one it has been never opened up and has always been meticuously looked after since it was purchased.The minute I let my guard down and let someone who I don't know and later found out should not trust I was consumed blown turbo and then engine and 12k later someone has take responsibilty.

Hope this helps ...

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  • Member For: 15y 4m 23d
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Guys there are good and bad everywhere we all need mechanics its just about finding one who is good and is trustworthy. I have a couple of guys who I deal with for different mechanical jobs and are both great. this guy which ill mention soon is a f*ck wit with a reputation for blowing engines on dynos and so on then cleaning his hand .I found out alot by researching which I should of done before I took it to him. now I have paid for it.

I have to prove that he left the rage in the engine which is the hard part . because he can point the finger at anyone.

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  • Member For: 15y 4m 23d
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not a great deal torque comes on early and I need a surge tank and dump pipe and bigger zorst so tune it really well then we can run 18-19 psi which should see approx 60 more rwks I just want to see the torque up around 1150nm then I will be happy.

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