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Blown Engine


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what is the best option? is it rebuild or replace with fg f6 engine what would be difference in $$$$.

I was running 17psi with 385rwk's and the timing guides gave way hence losing oil pressure.BOOOOMMM.

so im going to still run this set up with either of the options mentioned.

Doe's anyone now what are the internals of a fg f6 engine like do they have stronger internals then previous turbo engines.

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  • Menace
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I saw your motor a couple of days ago when it was getting stripped down.

All the valves were bent and the top of the pistons had bash marks on them :omg:

Good excuse to build'er up now I spose.. how long were you running that power level for?

Ali changed my chain and guides when the valve springs were getting done mine were stuffed too im glad they spotted it by the looks of it sorry to hear about you ride.

Edited by Kroozin
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If you need pistons and rods, I still have a couple of sets of Mahle Power Pak pistons and Argo conrods. I have 1 set of pistons 20thou over and 1 at 1.5 thou over. The pistons are rated to 1250 hp and Argo's to 1500hp. I want to get rid of them so the price will be a ripper! PM me if you are interested and I'll let you know a price.

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cheers mate great while it lasted 8 weeks. and I don't drive the car like its stolen.

but it looks like im going with fg f6 bottom which has forged rods and a semi forged piston and also doing the oil pump just to be safe.

should safley handle close too 400rwkw .without any dramas.

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If you need pistons and rods, I still have a couple of sets of Mahle Power Pak pistons and Argo conrods. I have 1 set of pistons 20thou over and 1 at 1.5 thou over. The pistons are rated to 1250 hp and Argo's to 1500hp. I want to get rid of them so the price will be a ripper! PM me if you are interested and I'll let you know a price.

Mahle Power Pak pistons are not rated at 1250HP!

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Hello a little up date in regards to preivous post about a blown motor. My mechanic had told me that the guides for the timing chain had given way and caused the engine to go boom.

Upon further investagation we completely stripped the engine and to our amazement there was some work carried out by another mechanic (which I will not name until the matter is resolved) who had replaced the valve springs and injectors about three months ago.

When we pulled the sump off the motor we found it to full of fibers from a rag that was used buy this mechanic when he was changing the springs. Apparently they put a rag in the opening at the top of the timing case cover to stop anything falling down there. Well this must of been left there. It caused my turbo to blow in two days blockage of oil feed line then after two months or so it got the better of my engine clogging up the oil pump cause the engine to drop oil pressure and then ultimatly letting go by the chain shearing the teeth off the cams and causeing massive engine damage.

This car has been owned by me from day one it has been never opened up and has always been meticuously looked after since it was purchased.The minute I let my guard down and let someone who I don't know and later found out should not trust I was consumed blown turbo and then engine and 12k later someone has take responsibilty.

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Threads merged.

This is the second case I've heard of where rag was left in the engine after valve spring replacement.

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