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Dynowog Strikes Again


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Hi guys well I fell for what a lot of previous guys have done before, I won a cheap tune off DYNOWOG at the start of the year for $110 custom tune. So I though why not its cheap and I can use the tune until I get more mods and different tuner.

So I rock up to his workshop in Cambellfield (which had the name of a furniture company on it) now here's the fun part, he puts my turbo ute on the dyno, not strapped down yet and no hand brake on, he moves the rear roller backwards which displaces my ute and it begins to roll forward and down the dyno then smashes into the benches on the far wall causing some deep scratches and dents to the bonnet, right quarter and front bar! He tried to jump in while it was rolling but all we could do was watch, no ones stopping a 1 1/2 ton car from rolling!

I kept calm as he said he would fix it himself and he used to be a panel beater. So I agree (stupidly as I just wanted it fixed) so we do the tune which didn't go well, he said I needed more fuel and my fuel pump was failing, fair enough I was planning on getting pump and injectors anyway, so he quotes $700 for the fuel pump install and he will do it while he fixes the paint. I mumbled and left. 6 weeks has now passed and he has been very dodgy saying we had a contract that he does my pump (which I said I will now do myself) and that his workshop takes no responsibility for the damage to my car, but he was leading me on for weeks saying to bring the car in next week then backing out, this is on top of when I left that day from the tune after he smashed my car.

Later that night I'm about to head to work when I smell fuel, this so called mechanic didn't put the fuel line back on properly and I lose a full tank of 98 premium.

So anyway if I claim on my insurance cos he has none I have to pay and get a bad rating. I'm seriously getting sick of this bloke and am thinking of ways to recover money or the car to be fixed. please if anyone knows what I can do please tell me!


Edited by Adam
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Isn't it law that businesses need to have insurance?

I'm sure there's plenty of business owners on this forum that will be able to answer some of your questions.

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Tennis racket and some rocks?

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