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SEQ - Speed Cameras


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  • Sucker
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Just as NSW are waking-up and ditching some of their revenue raising devices, we're going harder :buttrock:

These are the ones that were installed a while back but have been in testing, and worth noting is what was supposed to be the point to point camera northbound on the Bruce towards the Caloundra exit is going to be two separate fixed cameras until the clowns can figure out how to get it working.

Slow down: new digital speed cameras in action

Georgia Waters

August 2, 2011 - 8:55AM

Comments 12

New digital fixed speed cameras will be switched on at six sites in and around Brisbane today.

It will mark the first time digital speed cameras have been used in Queensland. They enable faster processing of data and, according to the RACQ, may reduce the 'tolerance' level afforded to speeding drivers.

The new sites include:

a combined digital fixed speed and red light camera at the intersection of Waterworks Road and Jubilee Terrace, Ashgrove;

a combined digital fixed speed and red light camera at the intersection of Beaudesert Road and Compton Road in Sunnybank Hills;

a digital fixed speed camera on the Pacific Motorway at Loganholme;

a digital fixed speed camera on the Gateway Motorway at Nudgee; and

two stand-alone digital fixed speed cameras on the Bruce Highway north of Brisbane.

Police Minister Neil Roberts said police would formally activate the cameras at midday today, and temporary signs would be placed at each site to advise drivers the cameras are operational.

Mr Roberts said trials had been conducted at each site for several months.

In May, police recorded speeding incidents of vehicles travelling through each site, without fining cars caught, and found four per cent of motorists were speeding.

On July 5, signs were then erected advising motorists that speed cameras would be in place at each site and Mr Roberts said the number of speeding cars dropped to one per cent.

"These new sites will take the total number of fixed speed camera sites in southeast Queensland to 16," he said.

"These sites combined with overt and covert mobile speed detection and hand-held [light detection and ranging] speed enforcement mean there's an even greater chance that speeding motorists will be caught which should provide more motivation for motorists to slow down.

"This will improve road safety.”

Acting Police Commissioner Ian Stewart said there was a history of speed-related crashes that had resulted in deaths or serious injuries at each site.

"Within a five year period there was a combined total of more than 100 crashes at these five sites which resulted in four fatalities and 60 crashes requiring hospitalisation," he said.

"Far too many lives are lost on our roads every year through dangerous driving practices, especially speeding. Speeding is a factor in around 25 per cent of road deaths every year.”

Mr Roberts said the two fixed speed cameras on the Bruce Highway will operate as stand-alone cameras from today before being switched to a digital point-to-point system later in the year after more work on the technology is completed.

Read more: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/slow-down-new-digital-speed-cameras-in-action-20110802-1i8t8.html#ixzz1TqV7VAZz

Was also this article last week

Mr Stewart said 10 new mobile laser speed cameras have also been bought and will be tested over the next nine months.

They will then be sent to each of Queensland's police regions.

Mr Stewart said the portable cameras will not replace existing mobile speed cameras, but rather complement existing road safety strategies.

“They have the added value of being able to be used in areas where existing speed camera equipment has practical deployment limitations,” he said.

“Officers will be able to deploy the portable cameras at a number of locations throughout their shift and move to a number of sites.

Read more: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/new-speed-cameras-to-issue-fines-from-tuesday-20110729-1i3pv.html#ixzz1TqaeOK2r

I.e. easier to hide the fckin things so we can be even more subversive.

I feel so safe now :mexicanwave:

Compiled a map a while back and is here. Few question marks on a couple so if anyone knows exactly where they are let me know.

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Thanks Tab well done. Hopefully someone uploads these points to trapster, if they haven't already. So I can update my gps to see where they are. Also look at 'Brisbane's undercover police cars' on FB as it's updated regularly with info from some ex police and civilians upload photos of the cars as they come out and are spotted.

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  • Sucker
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Yeah Timmy mentioned that the other day but forgot what it was actually called, now joined-up though. Thanks :spoton:

Apparently the threshold is lower now too with the new digital cameras, anyone know for sure what it is (was 10%)?

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Nice work on the map! :thumbsup:

The one at Loganholme is on the Brisbane-bound side (unsure if there are more on the other side), there are a few warning signs and the cameras are mounted on the overpass, so you won't see them until you drive under the over pass and look in your rear view mirror.

I am 99% sure this is the overpass they are mounted to: link

Edited by RowdyBurns
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  • Sucker
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Thanks mate...sorry I missed your post :blush:

Just need clarification on the Labrador & Broadbeach life saving devices - any of you goldie residents familiar with them?

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  • Sucker
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Looks like that's the one Rowdy...

Thousands caught by 'hidden' speed camera

Daniel Hurst

August 11, 2011 - 4:09PM

Comments 22

About 6000 lead-footed motorists have been caught by the state’s newest speed camera during its first week of operation, sparking calls for better signage.

Today, motoring group RACQ urged the Queensland Government to install more warning signs on the M1 at Loganholme after claiming the cameras were effectively “hidden”.

Figures released overnight by the Queensland Police Service showed 5922 motorists had been detected exceeding the 100km/h speed limit since the cameras were switched on last Tuesday.

Read more: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/thousands-caught-by-hidden-speed-camera-20110811-1iobg.html#ixzz1UloqdwJF

6,000 x minimum fine of $133.00 gives a bonanza of at least $798,000.00 Pretty bloody good return on investment there.

But no it's not at all about revenue.

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FARK! That is a lot of $$$ in a short amount of time. Sneaky b*stards.

Now to wait and see if accidents in this area increase as a result of people looking for the cameras and not watching the road. Aren't they meant to only be placed in 'blackspot' areas?

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There's a real simple argument to use with people who support these whacked-up propositions like " we'll keep up this policy because we know it works in reducing speeding etc etc"

I usually trot out the line something like "Well, if it stops people from speeding, how come the revenue from camera's continues to increase?"

Usually met with blank stare answers.

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  • Sucker
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Point-to-point on the Bruce Highway north from the Mobil servos at Beerburrum is now active, runs as three fixed cameras and an average speed. The third camera is on the on-ramp to catch those sneaky bastards that had devised a plan of taking the off-ramp and coming straight back on to the highway to avoid the southern camera. :blush:

Mr Roberts said an additional camera had been installed at the southern end of the enforcement area to catch motorists trying to avoid the cameras by using a nearby off-ramp.


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I don't even know why they persist with these friggin things.. Even with the introduction of all these things they haven't curbed the KSI speed related crash rates..

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