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My New Book


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  • All round good guy!
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Hi every one. Been really busy with stuff so have been absent.

Ok so an update. Its back from the printers and will go into shops soon but heres your chance to buy it a bit cheaper (sorry to those who have already bought it.) I did mention earlier about a possible group buy.

Anyway, all those who are interested, can ya PM me and I will get some copies from the publisher and organise postage.

At this time it will be $23 including postage. that's $5 off the RRP When ya PM me I'll send you back bank details.

Thank you all for your really great supportive comments. I really appreciate them. It has been a long slog. Has taken me ten years to get it all together, although most of the ten years was taken up getting strong enough to write about it all. Wasnt easy at first but now its in print it is just such a weight off my mind.

Thank you once again guys (and girls).

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  • loitering with intent
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Rudiger will be appearing on 2GB in the next few hours to promote his book.

I for one will be listening in . Good stuff mate


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  • loitering with intent
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well articulated,hopefully some meaningful cut through.

Again well said and hopefully less loss of peoples loved ones.

Obviously a lot of yourself in this!

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Caught this in the Wyndham Leader, September 20, 2011, Page 5:


I applied for Western Australia Police the same time I applied for the Australian Army back in 1988. WA Police said I'd failed their maths test however I was accepted into the Australian Army. Currently in my 23rd year of service, I can't imagine the number of deaths I would have seen thus far if I had been accepted into the Police Force. As a member of the Defence Force and having served on operations I've yet to see one death. I count myself lucky serving the nation, protecting our country, its national interests and its people, as well as helping other nations to rebuild after conflict or natural disaster. A thoroughly rewarding career and I give thanks to every member of the Police Force going about their duty, putting themselves in harm's way to keep the public safe and bring offenders to justice. They deserve our full support.

Congratulations and best of luck with the book mate!

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  • Turboless
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good job mate. liked it and shared. will go into town soon and the book, rather pay the full money so u get more in the pocket! you deserve it, itd be hard to do what youve done. losing one of my mates earlier this year through a car accident was hard enough. deserve a big pat on the back..well done

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Guest XR09
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Well done Craig. A bloody good read.

One can only imagine how much it hurt having to go back in your mind and drag that shoite out again. I hope it brings in enough coin to bury some of those thoughts deep back inside again.

Mate your book is ruffling a few feathers. Pity we cant use it to smack the idiots over the head with.

I have a meeting with some of your people down there coming up here on Saturday to meet with our people ???. Not really sure WtF it is all about. but I have to be there.

I will make sure I have a copy on the table in front of me. For the cock suckers to see.

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  • Pitlane Member
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Hi craig, I have your book, and added you on facebook when you mentioned it here. Although I haven't read it yet (will start when I finsih the one I am reading) It has been great reading your little snippets everyday on facebook, and I am very much looking forward to reading the book. I can see how hard it has been to get all of this on paper, but I hope you find some release, and even some peace, in doing so.

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  • Sucker
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Started reading it the other night whilst giving a platelet donation, the nurse thought it was a bit fcked up that I was laughing while hooked up to a machine sucking blood out of my arm and reading a book called Road Kill!

The humour will probably fade once I get further in to it though I'm guessing.

Loving it so far Craig. Congratulations on getting to the point you can share your story, I hope it has been a rewarding journey for you so far.

Have you started on the second edition yet?

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