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Fg Na To Turbo


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Hi guys, I'm new to the forums and have been chasing up on some info on a N/A to turbo conversion for my 2010 FG xr6 ute.

now currently I have all:

1. stock intercooler and pipes

2. stock BF turbo

3. stock FG dump pipe

I will be tapping the oil return line into my sump and I have an xcal3 tuner so I won't need to change my ECU. I'm aware that I will also need a 2 point map sensor, thicker head gasket, boost controller, all oil and water lines for the turbo and intake and exhaust manifolds.

Anyway what I'm asking is, what else will I need?

and can somebody please give me a detailed write up for directions on the install. I have looked at the other posts though they really didn't give much direction.

Any help guys would be great.



Edited by Ben590
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Are you trying to avoid turbo license restrictions or something?

Review post 2 and 3, unfortunately.

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I would normally say the exact same thing as above 2 and 3, but in some circumstances if you get all the parts for the right price or free, whats the harm, I am upgrading pretty much my entire bolt ons for my xr6T and my mate has a na FG, so we are transplanting the parts from my car to his then buying anything that's missing from ford for cheap. If no-one posts back I will post up some pics and how to's when we get round to doing the upgrade.

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Guest XR09
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Go price a taxi kit for the internals. And get all the externals cheap on the market. If you can do the labor yourself it is the cheaper way. IF YOU CAN DO IT. There is stuff all difference in the motors. Head gasket, rods and bolt on bits. There is no diff what so ever in the head, valves or cams.

That does not count in insurance though. They will slug you more for a convert than a factory.

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Guest XR09
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Well I am led to believe same same. New neighbor was with Ford for over forty years. I had a beer and a chat with him during the week.

Now he makes shopping trollies ha ha go figure.

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I would normally say the exact same thing as above 2 and 3, but in some circumstances if you get all the parts for the right price or free, whats the harm, I am upgrading pretty much my entire bolt ons for my xr6T and my mate has a na FG, so we are transplanting the parts from my car to his then buying anything that's missing from ford for cheap. If no-one posts back I will post up some pics and how to's when we get round to doing the upgrade.

Ok that'd be great thanks. yeah so far I have picked up the stuff quite cheap though I'm a bit worried about the manifolds.

What about valves and seats?

I was told that I will have to replace valve springs. though it wouldn't hurt to replace the valves and seats with a stronger set.

Go price a taxi kit for the internals. And get all the externals cheap on the market. If you can do the labor yourself it is the cheaper way. IF YOU CAN DO IT. There is stuff all difference in the motors. Head gasket, rods and bolt on bits. There is no diff what so ever in the head, valves or cams.

That does not count in insurance though. They will slug you more for a convert than a factory.

Yeah I've been warned about the insurance and I can install the bolt ons myself though I have 2 mates that are willing to help install the internals, both are mechanics and one is a team leader for my local ford dealer. so that should help.

Are you trying to avoid turbo license restrictions or something?

Review post 2 and 3, unfortunately.

No I'm off my p's in December.

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Guest XR09
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Kewl. Hopefully you can get trade price on the upgrade then as well.

I have the manuals for both if you need it. If those guys are with fraud they can just go into parts and print it anyway I guess.

I would seriously consider upgrading the front suspension while you are in there. Bushes and dampers anyway. The extra squirt really shows in the handling and not in a good way.

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