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F6 Top Speed


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I've just purused the August edition of the WHEELS mag.Whereby they had a number of cars

that were tested for 0-400m,80-120,etc but the main test concerned the cars' top speed.

The F6 (auto) achieved 251km/h and the GT335 253km/h.Both cars iirc achieved a 13.36 0-400m.

The Porsche Turbo S had the highest top speed of 300km/h.Both Fords were the cheapest.Other cars tested

included Lexus ISF($128,000 the next price after the GT 335),BMW3,GTR,SLS Merc,Porsche Turbo Panamera(fast,but an ugly,ugly car).

I'm a little suprised that the BMW 3 and ISF achieved a lower 0-400m(around 1 sec) than both Fords.

Would a manual F6 or GT 335 attain a higher top speed than what the autos achieved in the mag.?

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  • G666E Turbo!!!
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The acceleration figures were slow because it was run on a runway, on a drag strip on a Friday night at Calder an F6 will rape an isf, they were limited, and will easily do much higher with the limit removed. But there is no need for that really to be honest in aus, where are you going to test out to see if it can do 300km/h legally... No country airfield will be long enough.

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No country airfield will be long enough.

Didn't they get one to 308 back in the day with an aps kit?

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Didn't they get one to 308 back in the day with an aps kit?

It ran 307km/h in early 2004.

They had to fit 18's and a 3.23:1 diff ratio behind the T5 gearbox to achieve that speed. (The car also had better tyres and AP brakes).

Probably the key point for anyone thinking that this type of speed would be a good idea is the below statement. This is from the driver of the car...

...the air starts to play around the nose at, maybe, 260. Hard to know, with the speedo non-functional.

A bit faster and it starts to move all over the track. It’s getting to be seriously hard work with the tacho needle j-u-s-t off the limiter, maybe 30 revs shy. The engine’s not the problem, it’s the aero. Avalon’s airstrip is wide enough to land jumbos, but I doubt any of them ever uses this much width. It’s just walking the nose across the road and back again, sometimes sharply.

And then it’s over and through the trap. The aero is, if anything, worse under brakes. While moving off the throttle and onto the brake pedal, the thing steps a good three car widths sideways, then another three as the nose pitches. From there, it’s junking left, then right, and then back again until, around 230 or so, it all becomes fairly benign.

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  • G666E Turbo!!!
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Not forgetting the fact the aps car had shiploads more power than stock, stock might go fast but will need a looooong strip, I haven't driven on the runway at Avalon, taxiway yes run way no, but if it's like Mel airport runway, it's not really ideal for car related top speed runs as our runways aren't like the top hear test track, they are highly crowned and grooved, it would be really hard doing 300k's on it compared to say east link :innocent:

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Holy crap, the Motor quote you put up is scary!

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