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The Ranga Is ...not on my xmas card list


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Never said this was a perfect policy, didn't think they could come up with one either. But I do believe we need to start somewhere and do SOMETHING, and this is a start, now if ANYONE comes up with a better or just an alternative policy there needs to be a proper debate to see which one is actually better and not what tony abbot has been doing and just opposing everything for his political gain.

I'm hoping that after this is introduced someone with balls and brains will actually modify it to make it better and not as watered down with a bunch of exclusions just to keep particular groups of people quiet.

hypnodoc I don't think the cost of living will increase by $10, being a government project it has to be at least double the estimate but haven't heard anyone rejecting that figure so don't know. Not knowledgeable or bored enough to actually try and calculate that myself.

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And for all of you non believers at least you can hope for slightly better air quality. As much as I love my cars breathing that sh*t out the exhaust isn't that nice... or healthy...

And speaking of air quality, when will our local governments start doing something about all the mobile smoke screens on our roads? Keep seeing them more and more lately.

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I have to say that I find that this whole naming and shaming and disguising it as related to science less than optimum.......science is not about concensus or belief. It is about testing hypotheses and letting the facts fall where they may. VALID conclusions can then be drawn.

Abbott has NOT been saying no to everything. There have been about 80 bills passed since the Ranga came in. If there were no bills passed, the govt could not have blown things out so disastrously. It would have no funding and we would potentially be in dissolution territory.

I seem to remember that the current mob in govt were far more resistant to passing anything and would oppose it whether it was good policy or not. Once again, they seem to look in the mirror, find a flaw in themselves and use it to describe the other side.

Saying no to a somewhat carcass of a policy can be a good thing. Anyone remember the fervent aspiration of Rudd to sign at Copenhagen? What a mess that turned out to be and the repercussions he would have committed Australia to. He would have all the upside of glory, and we would have all the downside of the outcome.

Edited by Smoke them tyres
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I agree about your point on science, so why can't they agree? Most seem to be saying we're responsible for global warming but on the other hand there it a big number of those saying we're not? So who's right? At the end it seems like it has to come down to trusting one side or the other.

The closest thing to a scientist I know is a work mate who's a bit of a maths freak, a proper maths freak actually, lives and breathes numbers and physics. He didn't seem like he's too concerned either way so I thought he'd have a fair unbiased opinion on both sides of science. And according to him people arguing against are using slightly doctored data to calculate their results.

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It's easy

To the guys who believe global warming is human made, IT'S CALLED SUMMER

To the guy who believe it natural

There is no point arguing with idiots, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience

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One positive thing all of the so called debating has done is to make people a lot more environmentally aware in the western world, and made corporations in the western world a lot more accountable. I think if the powers that be were really serious they would have started with limiting the mass pollution happening in the 3rd world. My only issue with paying more tax is the way it has been forced upon the population.

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  • It's All In Your Mind
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I hate her as well.

Though I could live off 10% of your wages HypnoDoc!

Mate that would mean one meal a week and living under a plastic sheet in a park somewhere :innocent::roflmbo:

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