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The Ranga Is ...not on my xmas card list


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  • Member For: 14y 7m 7d
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GFC was caused by greed and banks borrowing money they didn't have to people who couldn't pay it back.

Dule, the GFC was the result of poor Government Economic fundamentals. It was based on Subprime lending that was underwritten by the US government. Agreed that the Banks played their role. But did so with the understanding that there was a government safetynet. They did push the boundries, but were only able to do this because of poor regulation. Therefore that is why the US economy went into freefall. But who foot the bill, the US tax payer. Although, the really naughty ones, Mac and Fanny paid the ultimate price, so as to be an example.. In relation to GST this is a decade old tax, why it has even been brought into the equation (apart from tit for tat) is beyond me. Clearly your not a member of the Young Liberals. But you have had a voice, and in a democratic society that is your right, but lets fight for Government that is able to operate outside the taxation square, Cheers

Edited by Impellor
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I am for reducing carbon emissions and believe economic measures such as carbon taxes and ETS are the way to go.

I think the tax probably hasn't gone far enough and could have spent more of the money raised in promoting renewable energy rather than giving it back to people. I would love Australia and particularly QLD to be a leader in solar power and think a solar tower would be great.


I also voted Green in the senate.

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the easiest way for change is see is to get the indepenents informed about such things so they don't always vote with their wallet. But trying to educate the likes of Bob Katter would be pushing sh!t up hill . . . maybe bob brown should do it.

A the end of the day I am not to fussed which puppet is out the front of either of the two puppet parties, as long as the green muppets stop the lies and brainwashing. The worst thing about going to an election now is I fear the greans will get more power, not less.

It should be one party... not libs and nats, not greens and labour... could be worse... We could be yanks, lol.

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  • Member For: 14y 7m 7d
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I am for reducing carbon emissions and believe economic measures such as carbon taxes and ETS are the way to go.

I think the tax probably hasn't gone far enough and could have spent more of the money raised in promoting renewable energy rather than giving it back to people. I would love Australia and particularly QLD to be a leader in solar power and think a solar tower would be great.


I also voted Green in the senate.

Personally I feel that this somewhat simplistic understanding allows for the continuation, and legitimisation of ineffective government. For this is not your fault or problem, I feel that the media has to shoulder the blame for not educating the population, in relation to fact, and monopolising on the advertising dollar. As it costs more to push bullsh*t than truth. Cheers

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  • It's All In Your Mind
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I am for reducing carbon emissions and believe economic measures such as carbon taxes and ETS are the way to go.

I think the tax probably hasn't gone far enough and could have spent more of the money raised in promoting renewable energy rather than giving it back to people. I would love Australia and particularly QLD to be a leader in solar power and think a solar tower would be great.


I also voted Green in the senate.

Welcome to the 3rd world Tim, you better trade you T in for one of those disgusting Hybrid things and switch all your lights and TV and refrigerator off then. You can charge as much tax and introduce an ETS across the whole world tomorrow and even if the farce of man made global warming was true it wouldn't make 1 poofteenth of a difference. Just like wind farms solar power is under developed crap, the other option is nuclear, fukushima number 2 anybody. Coal, burning coal has been going on for hundreds of years and its going to keep going on well according to the Chinese who are building coal fired power stations it is. If you want to hand over your money and living standards to a pack of idealistic nonsense then good for you but not this spring chicken.

Imagine 1 km of atmosphere and we want to get rid of the carbon pollution in it created by human activity. Let's go for a walk along it. The first 770m are Nitrogen. The next 210m are Oxygen. 20 meters to go. The next 10m are water vapor. 10 meters left. 9m are argon. Just 1 more meter. A few gases make up the first bit of that last meter. The last 38cms of the km - that's carbon dioxide. 97% of that is produced by Mother Nature. Out of our journey of 1km, there are just 12mm left. Just over a 1cm. That's the amount of carbon dioxide that global human activity puts into the atmosphere. And of those 12mm Australia puts in .18 of a mm. Less than the thickness of a hair. Out of a kilometer! As a hair is to a kilometer - so is Australia's contribution to what the PM calls Carbon Pollution. Imagine Brisbane's new Gateway Bridge, ready to be opened by the PM. It's been polished, painted and scrubbed till its 1km length is surgically clean. Except the PM says we have a huge problem, the bridge is polluted - there's a human hair on the road. We'd laugh ourselves silly. I can't believe that a carbon tax on everything is the only way to blow that pesky hair away.

Edited by hypnodoc
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  • My new toy
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this tax is a scam from a lieing pm and her off sider bob brown.

Lets take some figures into account of all the co2 in the air 3% is man made of that 3% australia produces 1.5% the tax is desirned to reduce that 3% by 5% whick is sweet stuff all.

So now how would that change what is mother nature which changes the climate all the time and has done for millions of yyears.

Now back to the lies she said no carbon tax than her and swan said it was budget natraul now they have had to admit it will take 7.5 billion from the budget in the first 3 years so yyet even more lies.

And then take there so called experts flannery said qld would never have full dams again and there would be no floods to come near 1974 again iy only took 2 years for him to be proved wrong.

And ross gaunat is the ceo of a few mining groups that pollutes the ocean in png and he is telling the goverment how to reduce pollution what lie


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  • Member For: 20y 1m 12d

I am for reducing carbon emissions and believe economic measures such as carbon taxes and ETS are the way to go.

I think the tax probably hasn't gone far enough and could have spent more of the money raised in promoting renewable energy rather than giving it back to people. I would love Australia and particularly QLD to be a leader in solar power and think a solar tower would be great.


I also voted Green in the senate.

There is no doubting your good intentions.

Then again, there is also no doubting your naivety.

I know some people who have globally based projects at the very bleeding edge of clean energy research. The research is being driven by investors, because, energy = money!

If they, or one of the other teams around the world crack it then the world will change of its own accord and rapidly.

It will be an unstoppable revolution as was the jet age, the PC revolution, the mobile phone revolution and the internet revolution. It will start slowly and then in the blink of an eye, it will be complete.

Unlimited investment will flood in like a tsunami,


the energy revolution will have nothing whatsoever to do with the (ex)Communist Gillard or the Communist Green's and their treasonous plan to destroy industry in this country with a trumped up 'Carbon Tax'.

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  • Sucker
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...but they'll be there claiming credit for it!

It's an un-losable proposition, it's pretty much agreed that it will make no noticeable difference before it even begins so therefore it can never be measured as a failure.

PS: excellent analogy Doc :clap:

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  • Member For: 16y 7m 15d

Personally I feel that this somewhat simplistic understanding allows for the continuation, and legitimisation of ineffective government. For this is not your fault or problem, I feel that the media has to shoulder the blame for not educating the population, in relation to fact, and monopolising on the advertising dollar. As it costs more to push bullsh*t than truth. Cheers

Man I have no idea what you are talking about. What is not my fault? and what is simplistics?

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