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The Ranga Is ...not on my xmas card list


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I can't beleive how they are getting away with this con. I found this on another forum.

London's Battersea power station featured in "say yes" carbon tax ads http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/a_lesson_in_sacrifice_for_the_planet_from_the_woman_in_the_luxury_audi/

"Reader Walter spots another con in Blanchett's ad, which features an ominous power station that Gillard's tax will allegedly shut down:

Good Lord - isn't that London's Battersea power station in the background? Surely no one could be that stupid. "

"Reader Popular Front confirms - the power station that Gillard's tax will shut is actually in Britain and actually closed already:

You're right Walter - it IS Battersea Power Station (now just a shell btw) and they ARE that stupid. Maybe they should add a giant inflatable pig over it, or maybe Richard III doing a swan dive off it.

Reader the sunshine grocer explains:

They have shown the old Battersea power station in England because of the "Australian Cringe" Our coal fired power stations are not old and evil enough.

So this ad claims falsely Gillard's tax will clean the skies from soot which the ad falsely shows belching from a British station which the ad falsely claims is pumping out pollution today. Could it get any more deceitful? "

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Very well said harryh - couldn’t agree more.

All said and done the whole thing is just a big marketing ploy preying on the uneducated (ask people on the street and see how many know the meaning behind the carbon buzz word...) just so the government can collect more revenue & keep the Greens onside & happy in the process. Just like the "Organic" buzz word.. But don’t get me started on that.

Not to mention the ridiculous compensation schemes, "We are going to increase dole payments family benefits for low income earners/unemployed, We are also going to increase the tax free threshold to encourage more long term unemployed to go to work"..... So tell me why a dole bludger is now going to want to find a job when you just increased his dole payment?

As I tried to explain all of this supposed logic to my young nephew and how little difference one small country can make, "If you had 200 people in a room and they all fart, then the next day you have 200 people in a room and 199 of them fart do you think you will be able to tell the difference in smell....

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Andrew Bolt was on to that straight away too. One other thing that has always sh*tted me is all the shots that media use of power stations showing the plumes of steam rising out of cooling stacks while talking about emissions and pollution. It's water vapor you fcktards :banghead:

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  • loitering with intent
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The deceit this Government is trying to inflict on the Australian public is staggering

I am actually left speechless, completely dumb founded :crybaby:

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From smh.com.au

Labor advocates pricing carbon while the Coalition supports direct action, in which polluters would be paid directly from the federal budget to reduce emissions.

Mr Abbott has characterised the dispute as a ''smart way and a dumb way'' to reach the same target. His policy will cost the budget $3.2 billion in its first four years and at least $10 billion by 2020.

So what do you think of the idea to pay the polluters to clean up?

Edited by dule
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  • It's All In Your Mind
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From smh.com.au

Labor advocates pricing carbon while the Coalition supports direct action, in which polluters would be paid directly from the federal budget to reduce emissions.

Mr Abbott has characterised the dispute as a ''smart way and a dumb way'' to reach the same target. His policy will cost the budget $3.2 billion in its first four years and at least $10 billion by 2020.

So what do you think of the idea to pay the polluters to clean up?

Personally I think the whole thing is a crock, big polluters should be fined if they pollute which they are, they have been cleaning up their act in the western world. When you rationalise whats going on and whats happening to Aus whether its Labour, the Libs or the looney greens it is obvious they are out to economically destroy Australia, maybe its a sinister conspiracy, or maybe it is sheer stupidity; whatever it is is is not good. Hopefully the economic collapse of the US and the EU will make them pull their heads in. The great shame is that so many people havce fallen for the fallacy of man made global warming. Does that make the PR companies really good at what they do, or does it make the avaerage Australian a dickhead? No rational thinking person whether they are a scientist or not would contemplate spending countless billions on anything until it nwas an ABSOLUTE established fact, man made global warming is far from that. It's a shame we can't hang these lying fcukers for treason.

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Also on tv today was the report about how india has there new coal fired power stations which are the same as ours listed by the un as being green energy.

This means they can sell climate credits to other companies.

So if india has these power stations and so do we why are ours being taxed.

What makes it even more wiered is our power stations will be buying there climate credits.

This is so wrong and also yet another reason whyy this useless goverment should be tossed out now before australia is sent broke.


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We now have people who have come through the so called education system that have "received an indoctrination and not an education".

The correct thinkers like to get them young.

The sad thing is that we are at the current zenith of man's overall knowledge, and yet we have some who have little or no idea of what a scientific process is, and how to mentally form correct conclusions from that.

Sure, have a position for this proposed tax, but for god's sake, base it on the science.

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And NOT the hyperbole of those who stand to make the most from it.

Labor and particularly the Greens are only playing wedge politics with this issue. If someone says $10, the Greens (and Labor who has moronically placed themselves in this position), will say $20, and if the first person then said $30, the Greens would say $40 etc etc. Those Greens will NEVER be satisfied with anything other than complete compliance with their nutbag ideas.

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